❤️❤️little space❤️❤️

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Shrio was sitting in the rest room of the large ship the paladins were living in. Hunk soon joined him putting his legs on the back of the couch. He seemed to have just finished training. Shiros thoughts where confirmed when the others also walked through the door exhausted and sweating. Allura wasn't to far behind.

Keith sat next to shiro and leaned on him while mumbling a few inaudible words. Shiro rubbed his back right up and down his spine. "Alright everyone head to bed we have a long training day ahead of us" allura said and the others sighed. "But first we must eat" hunk said standing up and going to the altean kitchen.

Keith was playing with his fingers and lance picked up on this walking over to the other boy. "Keith you alright?" He asked kneeling down. Keith gave a nod and stopped immediately. Shiro looked over at the raven haired boy as lance walked away. "Room?" He asked almost silently.

When Keith gave a slight nod shiro helped the boy up. "We're going to go rest till dinner" he said and allura nodded before continuing her conversation with lance and pidge. Shiro sat Keith on his bed and he laid down holding his pillow close. "Eepo" Keith said his face pressed into the pillow.

Shiro chuckled as he pulled Keith's small box out from under his bed. There was a large purple hippo stuffie along with a bunch of other stuff. "How old we feeling?" Shiro asked handing him the hippo. Keith held up four fingers as he clung to his hippo. "You hungry? Dinners soon" shiro asked and Keith nodded.

Shiro stood up and Keith sniffled. "I'll be right back Keith don't worry" shiro said as he walked out to the kitchen. Keith sniffled and whimpered. Shiro was gathering both his and Keith's plate to take back to Keith's room. "I'll be right back I'm going to the restroom" lance said getting up from the table.

As he walked to the restroom he passed Keith's room he heard the soft sniffles and whimpers. He knocked before entering. "Keith you okay?" He asked walking over to the raven boy. Keith was curled up around his hippo crying. "Hey what's wrong?" Lance asked and set his hand on the Korean boys arm.

Keith looked up at him his deep indigo eyes clouded with tears that spilled down his pale cheeks. "'ance" Keith spoke his voice higher and more squeaky like. It confused the younger Cuban boy but he didn't fight it when the Korean boy pulled him into a hug. Shiro walked in and set down the plates a soft smile on his face.

Keith had his head on lances chest as he was already asleep. Lance looked at the eldest on the room with a confused look. "It's called little space where he goes into a child like state for a while, its a coping mechanism" shiro explained as he sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Lance gave a nod and soon nodded off his arm around Keith's waist. Shiro pulled the covers over the two before eating his dinner and waiting for them to wake up. Keith woke up rubbing his eyes as he looked around. "Shiro?" He called out unable to move or see.

A familiar hand was on his shoulder. "Right here don't worry" shiros voice cut through. Keith realized he was laying on something or someone and shifted around. Lance groaned as he woke up. "Morning Keith" lance said causing Keith to blush lightly. "Morning lance" Keith grumbled back as he was let to sit up.

Keith grabbed his plate and began eating. "Lance did you eat?" Shiro asked and lance gave a cheeky smile. "Well I kind went to use the bathroom and forgot about my food"  lance said and Keith face palmed. "Let me go get it for you" shiro said getting up. He left the room leaving the two boys in the room.

Keith spared a glance at the other. "So Keit-" lance was cut off by Keith's lips against his. "We do not speak of this okay?" He said after pulling away. Lance was bright red and he gave a nod. Shiro walked into the room once again handing lance his plate.

He looked between the two. "Didn't something happen while I was gone?" He asked and Keith shook his head. "Nope" he said and lance nodded in agreement his face finally calmed down. "Alright" he said still no believing them.

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