❤️💔that's not healthy💔❤️

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Tw: BED (binge eating disorder), self doubt, thoughts, self harm

Lance was known to be.. what's the word.. dramatic about certain things, always started conversations. Keith on the other hand was quiet and.. reserved, only spoke when spoken to. The two had their vast differences. From their families to their lives to the way they handle problems. Well.. that last one.. maybe the one thing they share.

To lance if he has a problem he has to solve it on his own, unless it's to much for him to handle. To Keith to solve a problem he fights his way out. That's when the difference comes in. Keith will never tell anyone his problems, even if it's to much for him. He'll fight the gladiator for how ever long until he forgets about it.

It's almost like training is his cure. The more he trains, the less he fucks up, the less people die in his arms. It's simple really. Trust someone, they leave, making you heart broken, trust no one. No one can hurt you! That was his logic. He never had great social skills and always ended up failing when it came to speeches or talking.

Lance sat in the lounge deep in thought about his life back on earth. His family. His garrison friends. The green grasses on earth, the warm sun on his already tan skin, the cool oceans by his large house, the breathable air! He missed it all. The memories of his family brought tears to his eyes.

He looked around the lounge at his new home and new family. It didn't feel the same. He missed his elder sister coming to bug him with his little siblings and cousins chasing her as she ran trying to get away from them. Lance laughed wetly at the memory as tears began to run down his perfect face.

Lance sobbed and buried his head into a pillow the quiet them. It didn't stop hunk from hearing. Lance mind kept going over everything that happens to him while he's on the castle. Being made fun of, snapped at, laughed at, and of course betrayed. He felt like he was trash left out for the bugs and maggots.

Hunk wrapped his arms around the Hispanic pulling him in for a hug. Lance looked at him. Hunk smiled and lance relaxed crying himself to sleep in the elders grip. Hunk lifted him bringing him to his room. On his way he passed the training room hearing grunts and heavily clanging metal.

He continued on putting lance into his soft bed and pulling up the covers before walking to the training room. He saw Keith fighting the gladiator. His sword was thrown out of his hands as he fell to the ground with a thud. Hunk could tell he was in this level for a while now.

Keith moved onto his hands and knees coughing. He punched the ground with a yell as what seemed to be tears dripped from his eyes to the floor. Hunk cleared his throat making the elder jump. He quickly threw himself off the floor and wiped his eyes pretending that something was in them.

"You okay?" Hunk asked walking up to him placing his hand on the other shoulder. Keith nodded pushing his hand off. "I'm fine hunk" he said turning around to get his blade. His walls where strong. Letting nothing in and letting nothing out. Keith raised his blade continuing the sequence as hunk walked away.

At dinner Keith didn't show up. His feelings would escape at the one moment he got rest or if it was silent. So it's either train of hide in his sleeping chambers. he'd prefer to train. At least it makes him stronger and more useful to the team. He shook his head and focused on the gladiator on front of him.

Everyone at the table looking around at each other. Their red paladin was missing dinner for the fifth time this week. Hunk looked down at the green glop on his dish. "J saw him snacking on things before" hunk said looking up once more. Everyone turned towards him.

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