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Tw: mentions of r-pe

Keith was standing outside the large castle on altea. The half galran boy looked around. It had almost been 2 years sence allura sacrificed herself so they could live. "Keith!?" Pidge yelled running up to him. "How are you doing?" She asked and Keith shook his head.

He let out a soft sigh. "It's the glara pidge. There's fighting still going on but at least the empires coming back together." Keith said his hand on the back of his head. "How have you been on earth?" Keith asked and pidge thought for a second.

"We finally stabilized the partial barrier and teliduv and we're working on new planes but that's it" she said and Keith nodded leaning back against the ship. "How long till the celebration? I gotta leave soon I have a meeting with the glaran representatives" the glaran male said.

Shiro walked over not to long after with lance. "Hey pidge, Keith" shiro greeted shaking their hands. "Hey shiro, hows the atlas?" Keith asked leaning back against the wall. Lance remained silent waiting for his turn. "Same as always we just went out to check a distress signal that was sent out" shiro said and lance nodded.

"It's weird being away from you for so long at a time.. I'm used to us all being stuck in a ship flying through space" lance finally chimed in earning a nod from pidge and Keith. "I miss it to lance but now we have earth, alteans, and most glara on the coalitions side" Keith said and lance nodded.

Hunk ran up suddenly. "Guys! The galra! They're attacking!" He yelled and the four paladins where already up. "What!? Keith I thought you had them under control!" Lance yelled and Keith looked just as shocked. "That's the thing. I did!" Keith said.

Suddenly five lions landed in front to the five men. They all looked down at them and growled. The five toon their chances and ran to them. Keith with red, lance with blue, pidge with green, hunk with yellow, and shiro with black.

They took off into the air and saw a fleet of glaran cruisers hovering over altea. Keith flew out to the front. "Glara fleet. This is Keith leader of diebazal." The red lion paladin spoke into the channel. "Ah commander Keith. To bad to say but you don't control us." A familiar voice said.

It sounded familiar to the other paladins. "Zethrid. Enough." Keith's voice was scary and solid none of the paladins remember this side of him. "Your not my emperor. Zarkon is." She said and many fighter plane where released. "On me!" Shiros voice cut through as the channel was ended.

The five lion flew at the fleet slicing and blasting at the ships. "Ezor run things aren't looking to good" zethrid said and looked at her closest friend. "But zethrid! You could die!" Ezor said and zethrid was getting her to a pod.

"Good bye ezor" she said before shooting ezor into space. The ship shook as the red lion appeared in front of it. "Zethrid surrender." Keith's voice ring through the large chamber. "Never. Victory or death." Zethrid said before firing the ion cannon.

Keith didn't get away in time and was hit. He screamed through the coms connected to the other paladins through their helmets. "Keith!" Lance yelled. Suddenly what was left of the fleet hyper drived away. Lance rushed around with the others trying to find the red lion and it's paladin. Neither where found.

About 4 month later the atlas received a distress signal from a planet not to far from their current location. "Come in altea. Lance come in." Shiro said and lance opened the channel on his side. "Yes atlas continue" he said.

A smaller screen appeared. "We received a distress signal from a nearby planet and we have reason to believe it may be Keith." Shiro said and lance visibly lit up. "Thank you for telling me shiro" lance said and shiro nodded.

A day alter they reached the planet. As they exited the ship Keith ran up scratches on his face and arms along with multiple bruises. "We need to leave. Now." He said and they all got back on the ship and left before the glaran people who kidnapped him could catch him.

Keith collapsed against the wall on the inside of the atlas. His legs gave out. "You alright Keith?" Shiro asked and Keith gave a thumbs up sitting down. Shiro opened a channel. "Lance come in" he said.

Lances camera opened on his side. "Continue atlas." He said and it sounded like he was busy. "We found him" shiro and said lances head wiped around to the camera. "Keith!?" He yelled and Keiths head picked up. "lAnce?" Keith's voice cracked badly. 

Lance let out a sigh. "I'm glad your okay" lance said as another atlas personnel was treating Keith's wounds. He nodded with a hum as they approached altea. Lance was waiting by the loading bay for his friend.

Keith walked out of the ship but the slight limp in his step didn't go unnoticed. Lance ran up to hug him. Usually Keith would hug back but this time he flinched away. Lance looked at him confused. "Keith you okay?" Shiro asked and Keith nodded.

He turned around to face another glara. "Please tell diebazal that I'm extending my stay and move the meeting to a few Phoebe's from now" Keith said and the glaran male nodded before running off. Keith sighed. "Where's the training deck again?" He asked lance.

Lance smiled looked at him. "Come I'll show you" he said and Keith followed behind lance going to the training deck. As time went on lance noticed something no one else seamed to. Keith was staying away from any physical touch.

Like any at all. It was although he started hating it again. One day lance had had enough. "Keith we need to talk" the altean said to the half galran male. "I got training to do lance" Keith tried to get away. "Keith listen to me." Lance said and Keith looked up at him slightly.

Lance toom a breath and let it out before he spoke. "Did they.. do anything.. to you?" He asked and Keiths body went ridged. "N-No why would you think that?" Keith said and cursed at himself for stuttering. "I'm fine lance." He added on.

Lance shook his head and pulled him into a hug from around his waist. Keith hugged him back around his shoulders tears welling up in his eyes. "Y-yes.. they did.." he muttered out against lances shoulder. He started crying as soon as those words left his lips.

Lance rubbed his back soothingly. "Why didn't you say anything before?" Lance asked softly. "t-they said they would h-hurt you and s-shiro.." Keith said as he gripped into lances shirt. "Hey.. it's okay Keith.." the altean said placing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I won't let the hurt you every again" he said and Keith believed him.

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