💔❤️black roses❤️💔

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Prompt- Keith asks a tattooer for a tattoo and he gives him one of a black rose on his wrist. The next day he finds out boys have been brutally murdered and r-ed and they all had the same tattoo. Lance worries for his boyfriend.

Tw: mentions of r-pe

Lance was begging for Keith to get a tattoo. What the male didn't know is that Keith had already gotten a few tattoos over the time of his life. He had his blade on his right shoulder, a yellow sunflower on his left shoulder blade, and a large black and white tattoo of his lion on his leg. Most where don't buy the aliens in the space mall that didn't want to much and had amazing reviews. "Fine fine I'll get a tattoo" Keith said finally giving in. "We should get matching ones!" Lance said his goofy smile across his tan face. Keith sighed but a small noticable smile was on his face. "Fine which one?" Keith asked and he scrolled through the tattoos on his phone. "How about Juneberry flowers on each other's forearm in the other color?" Lance asked and Keith agreed. He didn't know why but lance loved those flowers. Ever since allura passed he's been surrounding himself with those flowers.

Keith called to set up the appointment. He was also going to ask the person who was giving him a tattoo for a surprise one. Lance stayed up a bit later then normal drawing out the design he wants of the flower. Keith was doing the same. Even though that maybe the same flower they where also very different. Keith's design had ice encircling the beautiful blue flower and even had a bit on it. On the side was lances name written in cursive and in black. Lances design was well drawn out. In the middle was the beautiful red flower with fire surrounding it. They loved their designs and made the decision to not show it to the other until they get it done. Lance was super excited he couldn't sleep. Keith forced him to thought knowing how he could be without his 'beauty sleep' has he calls it. Keith stayed up a bit longer watching the news. Something had come up on Instagram and he was wondering what it was. When he found nothing he also went to sleep.

When the next day did role around the two where in the car heading to a breakfast place before heading to the shop. Their waiter Keith noticed had a black rose tattoos on his wrist. "Nice tattoo" he complemented. The waiter smiled. "Well thank you" he said and began to take their drink orders. He soon walked away and Keith began to talk with his boyfriend. They where both excited for what's yet to come. The waiter came back out hand set down their drinks before taking their food orders. "I'll have a pancake stack with blueberries and strawberries" lance said a slime plastered on his face. "And you sir?" He asked and turned to Keith. "And omelette is fine" Keith said setting down his menu and grabbing lances and handing them to the male before he could take them away himself. He walked away and the two began talking until their food was brought out. Once done they paid at the counter and went back to their car.

They arrived at the shop and sat in the office waiting. Both had their tablets to show the artist what they wanted. First went lance. He came out about 30 minutes later and showed Keith his tattoo. Keith stood and tilted his head up to kiss the others cheek. He walked in and showed what he wanted to the artist. "Also I want a surprise tattoo on my wrist" he added on and the artist nodded before beginning the tattoos. About 45 minutes later Keiths tattoos where done. He had the same tattoo on his wrist that their waiter in the breakfast place did. He walked out and showed lance. "Two? Wow must be brave today" lance said and Keith chuckled. "Lance I have many more than these two" he said and lance looked at him in shock. "Why didn't you tell me??" Lance said with a gasp. "Never felt the need to" Keith said as they made their way to the car.

They stopped to pick up some dinner in the way home. They order through the drive through -well lance did because he was driving- before leaving and heading home. Keith was snacking on the fries even though lance told him to stop. Once they got home they walked inside and sat at their small table to eat. It was only the two of them so they found no reason to have a large family sized table. As they ate they watched the news. A very intriguing headline came on that grabbed both the boys attentions. "Today's news. 47 boys have been found murdered and r-aped in a basement of an abandoned house in the past three days. More information on that shortly." The reporter said and Keith perked up.

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