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Keith was out in a mission in a galran cruiser. Lance was worried for his boyfriend due to the fact that he wasn't back at the time he was supposed to be. "All paladins to the bridge." Alluras voice came through the intercom. Lance got up and rushed to the bridge thinking that Keith had arrived home.

He was the last there. "What's going on?" He asked not seeing Keith or shrio. That's when allura turned on the video that was paused on the screen. "Shiro! Get the passengers on board! I'll fend them off!" Keith's voice yelled As the camera was set up. They where both covered in blood and littered with wounds.

Shiro was helping the passagers onto the escape pod before punching in the coordinates to the ship. Keith was no where to be seen and neither when the galra. The pod took off and shiro grabbed his Bayard as Keith was thrown back into the room. He had more blood on his white armor but none was seen from his black skin tight body suit.

The galran sentries walked into the room and one pointed their gun to Keith's head. Shiro stabbed him before he could do anything. The camera fell and foot steps where heard running to it. "Hey lance.. if you can see me know that I love you.. and thanks.." Keith said a sad smile on his face before he dropped with the camera in hand.

The sentry behind him had his sword covered in blood. Keith's blood. The Koreans blade flickered before it went black signaling that he had passed it so they thought. "Keith!" Shiro yelled as he ran to Keith's side. The blade flickered on but dully. Shiro lifted Keith before the camera cut out.

Lance had his hand over his mouth as tears streamed down his face like small waterfalls. "No.." he muttered before behind his hand. "I'm sorry lance.." pidge said and hugged him. Everyone around hugged the Cuban boy. "Where's my son!?" Krolia yelled as the door opened. She had a worried look on his face.

Shiro was back in with Keith's blade which had not went back to it's original size quite yet. It's was flickering fully but it was there. "He's alive.. barely.." the past black paladin said and the blade went back to it smaller size.

Krolia looked at him. "You where supposed to protect him!" She yelled tears welling up in her eyes. Allura tried to calm her down which proved futile. Lance walked up to her and hugged her as tight as he could with out hurting her.

She hugged him back as she let the tears run down her face. "She's just worried.." lance said and hunk joined the hug not caring that Krolia was their sworn enemy. She was friendly. Soon everyone else joined in. When the pulled away shiro handed Krolia the blade.

She looked at the black paladin before taking the blade. "You will be giving that back to him not me" shiro said and the glara nodded before putting the blade away. She and lance where lead by coran to the healing pods.

Keith was sleeping peacefully in one of the pods. He looked so peaceful that you could think he had died in his sleep, but Keith was to strong for that. "In about one pheob." Corans voice cut through and Krolia nodded as she and lance sat next to each other in front of the pod.

Coran left leaving the two with Keith. To lance the next month that went by was numb to say the least. He spent most of his time training until his body went numb. The rest of the time was spent with Keith. He barely slept or ate. He only did when Krolia forced him too.

She wasn't much better. She spent most of her time with Keith waiting for him to wake up. The difference is she took care of herself. She slept and ate more then lance. The Cuban boy was blaming himself for what happened to his close lover. He was supposed to protect him with his life.

About a month and a half passed before the pod opened. Lance was passed out at the side of the pod. Keith stumbled out of the pod feeling sore as hell. He looked around. The last thing he remembered was the galran cruiser and the sentries. He spotted lance and slimed softly.

He kneeled down next to him and shook his shoulder. "Mm.. Krolia go away.." he mumbled and Keith chuckled lightly. When he did that lances head shot up and he looked at Keith. It took his mind a second to process what happened but when it did his tackled his lover in a hug.

Keith laughed and hugged him back tightly dispute his body hurting. "Your okay!" Lance yelled and that brought Krolia and pidge into the room where where walking by. Keith was sitting up when the two came in. "Keith!" Krolia yelled before she ran to her son who was now standing.

He was pulled into another hug by his mother. Pidge had gone out to tell the others. Soon enough they where all around Keith in one big group hug. "Don't worry I'm alright" he said a smile in his face. It was small but it was there. When they pulled away Krolia stood in front of her son. "I think this belongs to you" she said and handed him his blade back.

Keith nodded once and took the knife in his hand. "Thank you all of you" he said putting the blade away. Another group hug was called for and they all hugged the raven haired boy.

I hope you all enjoyed!
Wording count: 964
Have a nice day!!

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