💔💔I will save him💔💔

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Prompt- shiro is taken by the galra and the blade of mamora (including Keith) risk their lives as the save him and fight zarkon and lotor who have teamed up.

Allura called the paladins of Voltron to the bridge. Everyone still felt like something was missing. Lance sighed. "We all miss him I know." He spoke being the first to address the elephant in the room. Everyone looked down with a solemn nod. Keith was gone. Well they knew where he was. He was with the BOM a galran Ally with the Voltron coalition. Coran sighed looking up first. "We can just sit here and sulk about it we have a galran cruiser that just entered the atmosphere! So everyone to your lions! Chop chop!" He said and everyone ran to their lions.

Allura was flying blue while lance was flying red. Everyone else was still the same. Flying red gave lance this.. unsettling.. feeling that he wasn't supposed to be doing such a thing. "Everyone ready?" Shiros voice came through the coms that linked the five paladins together through the lions. There was a string of 'yeps' and 'yes'es' before they took off into space to fight the glaran cruiser. There was more that expected. There were three cruisers and a good thousand fighter planes.

Shiro was yelling orders before he suddenly went offline. His lion was floating aimlessly through space. The others failed to notice as they where fighting their own battles. Hunk piloted the yellow lion to grab the black one and bring it back to the castle. "Retreat there are to many!" Allura yelled through coms as they flew back to the castle and landed in hangers before wormholing away. The paladins met in the hangar and looked around. Someone was missing.

"Um guys.. where shiro?" Hunk asked and pidge ran to their leaders lion which thankfully let them in. They walked out with only the black Bayard. Allura grew worried and looked around. "We should inform the blade that we will have to pull an extraction." She said and everyone nodded in agreement before heading to the bridge. On the intercom they set up the live feed to the BOM. Soon Keith and kolivon appeared on screen standing next to each other in their suits.

"Voltron what seems to be the trouble?" Kolivon asked looking at the paladins. "Wait. Where shiro?" Keith asked looking around with elder galra. "We have to pull an extraction. Shiro was taken by the galran empire. We believe he will be held on zarkons ship but pidge has yet to track his suit." Allura explained and Keiths head dropped looking down at the floors he grew familiar with. "We shall be there. Thank you for informing us." Kolivon said and Keith looked up with a nod.

"We will get back with you as soon as possible with more information." Pidge said and the screen went black showing they disconnected. Pidge immediately set out to track the black paladins suit of armour. Lance, hunk, and allura went to the training deck to make sure they where in top shape to save the black paladin. Keith on the other hand went to the BOM training deck with one of the most advanced members. Thace.

A little over a week had passed before the call between the BOM and Voltron came back to life. Keith was immediately at the leaders side as the call was answered. "We found his position, bad news is, it's exactly where we thought he would be. Right on zarkons ship." Pidge said. "Where do we rendezvous?" Kolivon asked and lance began to think. "It'll take us about four days to get there even with a wormhole and you about two so how about in the middle the Arora system?" The blue paladin asked and kolivon gave it a thought.

"Not to bad of a rendezvous. Well meet there and discuss the plan." Kolivon said and the paladins nodded as the call was then disconnected once more. "You should go rest up" kolivon said to Keith who looked at the floor. "I know your worried. But we will save him okay?" Kolivon reassured him with a soft pat on the shoulder. Keith looked up at him determination replacing the sadness that was one in his eyes. "I will save him." Keith said before walking to his room to rest up for the big day.

Two days have now passed. Keith, Krolia, kolivon, thace, and a few other BOM members have boarded a ship and started for the Arora system where they will meet the paladins and discuss the plan to save one of their own. As they neared the rendezvous point Keith's anxiety began to rise as he played with his mamoran blade. Krolia placed a gentle hand on her son's shoulder making him jump and look at her. "This will be a success Keith" he mother said. He looked at the floor with a small nod.

Once they reached planet uras they say four out of the five Voltron lions awaiting their arrival. The ship landed as everyone began to walk out. Keith and kolivon taking the lead. "Nice to see you here mullet" lance greeted and Keith waved him off. "What's the plan?" Krolia asked as the paladins began to explain.

Mean while on the galran cruiser shiro was trying his best to stay awake. "Knock knock little prisoner~" a familiar voice rang out from the doorway. It was sendak. "How are you feeling today? Any better? Good." He said answering his own questions while shiro remained silent watching the galran commander.

Sendak was right next to him with a blaster like he was preparing for battle. More then likely he was cause soon after he entered the alarms started to blare. The commander cursed under his breath before he ran to his battle position. Shiro struggled to his feet hands being cuffed in front of him. The ship shook sending him to the ground.

With the paladins pidge, lance, allura, and hunk where drawing the fire from the ship with their lions and returning most of the firing too. On the inside Krolia was looking for shiro with kolivon while the rest of the BOM and Keith where trying to take control of the ships. Keith found himself alone in one of the corridors in the ship while trying to find the bridge.

The lights went out as something collided with his back bringing him to the floor. He stood up drawing his blade and watching as it grew before his eyes. The glowing strip gave off a bit of light but not quite enough to see ehat or who his attacker was. Another hit to the back sent him back to the floor as the lights flickered on and someone's foot was on his back keeping him down.

He turned his head to see lotor on top of him and zarkon to the side. "Nice work father." Lotor said and gave his father a fist bump to which the emperor denied being more focused on the boy under his son. "I got shiro everyone out." Krolia's voice ring through the helmet come and Keith let out a sigh of relief. At lest his brother was safe.

Lotor picked up the half-breed by the neck as the alarms blared above. Keith gripped his blade and tried to use it to get away to jo avail. Zarkon just toon the blade and threw it down the hall way. Keith cursed as he bit the half-altean males hand with his sharp fangs. Lotor dropped him and zarkon grabbed his arm holding him with a death like grip. "Help! I'm trapped! Zarkon and lotor!' Keith yelled into his coms.

Then his helmet was removed. He had no idea what the others where saying. He had no idea if someone would come rescue him. His head was slammed into the wall making the half-breed pass out. Zarkon bagan dragging him down the hall as lotor followed. He picked up the past paladins blade as the walked to prevent the others from knowing.

The BOM and paladins shouted trying to get Keith's attention and to get him out of there. "Help! Trapped! Zarkon! Lotor!" Was all that was heard between the static. Pidge looked around panicked. They began tracing his cords throught his BOM armor. "What..? How?" They exclaimed. "Pidge what is it!?" Lance yelled.

The green paladin toon a deep breath. "Keith is on the other side of the galaxy.. this was their plan all along.." they said in a very weak and defeated voice. "What do you mean?" Allura asked as the fleet slowly disappeared by hyper drive. "They wanted Keith.. and we just handed him right.. over.. to them.. who knows what they'll do!" They said as fat tears began steaming down their face. "Oh my God.." hunk whispered.

They just handed the galran empire the most valuable weapon they had.

Keith's strong will and physical abilities.

They could be turned against them.

Will they?

To be continued~

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