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Tw: cheating and toxic lance
This is just for this one shot nothing else

Keith was sweeping up the living room of his and his boyfriends shared house. He was out at work. Keith finished cleaning up as his boyfriend came home. "Lance! How was work?" He asked meeting him by the door. His hair was messed up, his belt was half done, and his undershirt was all messed up.

This was normal for the black haired boy. At first he questioned it but now he pays no mind to it. Lance ignored his boyfriend and looked around the room. "You missed a spot." He said his voice was so rough. Nothing like when the two first met as paladins. "I'm sorry I didn't realize" Keith said rubbing the back of his head.

Lance growled turning around to look at him. "We'll go clean it!" He yelled causing Keith to jump. He nodded and went to go clean up the spot of dust he missed. "Hey lance.. I was thinking sence tomorrows the weekend can we cuddle tonight..?" Keith asked his voice quite but to where lance could hear him.

Lance sighed setting his coat on the rack. "Sorry babe I have something else to do tonight" he said walking up behind him. "Oh it's alright! Works more important!" Keith said with a smile on his face. Lance nodded and kissed his cheek before going up to their room to change.

Keith let his smile fade and tears come to his eyes. He was craving attention and anything that lance could bring. As soon as lance came back into the room he cleared his eyes and put the smile back on his face. Lance couldn't even recognize that it was fake anymore.

Lance kissed his head before walking to the door. "I'll see you later mullet" lance said and walked out. Once he left Keith let the tears spill as he grabbed his jacket.

This went on for 7 more years.

Lance going out coming home late.

Even some times he'd bring another girl home while he was drunk.

Untill Keith had enough.

Keith looked at his boyfriend who sat in the living room. "Lance.." his voice called out bringing the boys attention to him. "Yeah what is it doll?" Lance asked and Keiths eyes teared up. "Hunk and pidge are telling me that your cheating.." Keith says causing lance to get up and walk over to him.

Lance took his face in his hands. "They're lying. I want you to stop talking to them." Lance said his voice firm. "Why would they lie to me..?" Keith asked looking up slightly at his boyfriend. "Because they want to take you away from me" lance said and Keith hugged him.

Lance hugged him back. "O-okay I'll stop talking to them.." Keith said.

After that day it continued.

Lance coming home late.

The random girls.

Now there where hickeys on his neck.

Keith stood by the door lances jacket around his thin figure. "Lance. We're done." He said trying to cover up the sadness in his voice. "What Keith?" Lance asked looking at his boyfriend in shock. "We're done. I've had enough." Keith said his voice faltering.

Lance ran up to him. "Keith please! I need you!" He said and Keith shook his head. "Not until you stop bringing girls into the house, getting home late, and actually paying attention to me. I've been begging you for the past 10 years to give me some kind of attention but your always busy." Keith's voice hit lance like a bullet.

He didn't realize how much him doing this hurt him. He was excellent at hiding it. "I'm sorry Keith just please don't leave me.." lance said now on his knees. "Not until you prove that you love me." Keith said his voice finally failing as the tears streamed down his face. He press one final kiss to lances cheek then left.

Lance curled up on the floor his jacket on the ground where Keith had stood. Keith walked down the street his suitcase in hand as he traveled to live with his brother and his husband. Lance was crying curled up on the floor. Keith knocked on shiros door and he was let in.

He broke down crying on his shoulder as Adam shiros husband walked in.

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