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Prompt- Keith is sent out by shiro (the boss) to hunt down vampires because he is the most experienced. He gets injured and falls in love with lance who is a vampire that halped him. Pidge and hunk are also vampires.

Tw: overstimulation

Keith walked into his brothers room and bowed. "You summoned me?" He asked and his brother turned around to face him. "Yes I'm sending you out on a mission to hunt some of the most recent vampire attackers." He said and Keith looked up at him. "Yes sir. Anyone im taking with me?" He asked and his brother turned back around to the window. "That is for you to find out." He said and Keith nodded.

As he walked out of the room he grabbed his blade to sharpen it. As he sat down a taller woman walked up a spear held in hand and a warrior outfit hugging her body. "Hello hunter. I'm allura. I'll be coming with you on your journey." She said and keith looked at her and took her outstretched hand in a hand shake. "Welcome." He said and gave her a nod before handing her a sharpening stone and cloth before working on his own. She sat across from him sharpening the tip of the spear.

Suddenly spear opened showing two blades that she also sharpened. Keith used the known magic he knew to extend his blade the rest of the way as he continued to sharpen it. "Well hunter. Looks like you have a vampires blade, and to active it you must have vampire blood." Allura said a small smerk on her face. "I already knew this. My father was a vampire he died at the hand of the other vampires." Keith explained and when he was done he showed the woman his fangs. They wheren't as long as full vampires fangs but definitely sharp.

Allura scoffed and went back to sharpening. "Allura, keith it's time from your mission." A maid said walking up to the pair. Keith stood and bowed to the pink haired woman and thanked her before going to gather his armor. Allura rolled her eyes and shoved by her bumping her shoulder. Keith was in the armory slipping on the hunters armor. It was a solid black obsidian color and a face mask. Allura walked in and slipped on her own custom armor that was far out of dress code.

It was white instead of black with bright pink instead of the dark purple. They where made to not be detected in the dark forests. Keith slid his blade into it's holder and started for the door. Allura ran up next to him as they both left the armory. On their way out Keith's elder brother have them a cross necklace on a black string. They both slipped it on before they left the base that was deep in the woods. Keith pulled up his black mask while allura pulled up he white one.

Keith crouched down and crawled through the brush to remain hidden while allura walked not to far away out in the open. Once far enough from the base the sound of a arrow being fired rung through the air. Allura grabbed her shoulder as the arrow hit her. Keith was able to zone in on the vampire that hit her. It was short with short blonde hair and green eyes. It spotted him and bolted into the dark trees out of sight. Allura had ran away and was no where to be seen leaving the half-breed by himself.

As he turned around he was met with a blade similar to his at his throat. The guy holding him was larger and had a darker skin tone. He was closer to his brothers height. Keith raised his hands and was kicked the ground. "Who are you?" The short of the two asked arrow drawn and ready to fire. Keith looked up at them and grabbed the cross that was around his neck that burned the skin that was uncovered by his black gloves. He raised it up at the vampires and they backed away.

The shorter fired their arrow as it stabbed him in the shoulder. The other throw his blade and it cut right through his leg making him fall. He dropped the necklace as the blade was drawn. He used it to block the males on coming one. "A vampires blade." The shorter one mumbled. Keith held back a scream as his arm was cut. "Enough." Someone's voice rang out. The voice was that of a males but it was also smooth and firm. The two vampires backed off him and disappeared into the trees.

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