💔💔 kidnapped 💔💔

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Prompt- Keith goes on a mission by himself and gets kidnapped he could hear metal hitting the floor footsteps and a table but he dare not open his eyes as a searing pain shot through his body.

Tw: gore

Keith was training in the training room when he was called to the bridge. He shut down the sequence before walking up to the bridge. There stood allura and coran side by side waiting for his arrival. "Yes princess, coran?" Keith asked looking between the two.

They looked at him a smile on their faces. It was gentle but unsettling. "Your going on a solo mission, everyone thought it would be best for you to go alone" allura said and turned so he could see the screen.

There where cords on it Along with altean words that he couldn't understand. "Okay and what's the mission for?" Keith asked walking up in between them. "It's a search mission, you'll be going on an abandoned galran cruiser and search for anything there" coran explained.

Keith nodded. "Alright, send me the cords and I'll be on my way" Keith said heading to his lion. The two alteans sighed as they looked at each other. "Nice job sendak I knew I could count on you" Haggar said and the disguises dropped.

They went back to their ship after sending the cords to the red lion. They just left him right into a trap. Keith jumped up into reds pilot seat. "Come on we have a search rescue mission" he said and red purred before taking off into space heading for the cords.

Once they reached the ship they realized it didn't look abandoned at all. In fact it looked like it was powered off. Maybe he's overthinking this. It could be a newly abandoned ship. They flew closer and closer until they landed on it.

That's when things went south. The ship powered back on a raised a barrier that trapped Keith and his lion. "Shit shit shit shit!" Keith said as he tried to get through the barrier. That's when he was knocked out.

He remembered waking up to where he couldn't see. He couldn't move either. He moved his hands around the best he could figuring out that he was strapped to a table. A bubble of panic rose in his chest as the cold air pierced through the thin prison clothes of the galra.

Heavy foot steps came into the room along with metal on metal like someone dropped something. Behind the heavy foot steps was a pair of lighter ones that had the sound similar to the clacking of heals. He tried to scream or say anything finding out that his mother was bound closed.

"Good he's awake we can start" a raspy feminine voice said. Haggar. Keith panicked more as be began to thrash around. Suddenly a needle was shoved into his neck making his body go numb. He couldn't move at all. Something on the table shifted before a searing pain shot through his body.

It started with his arm and made it's was through his body. If he was able to scream he would have. As soon as the pain died down it started right back up. On his right leg he felt something sharp move across the delicate porcine skin. It was pulled in a vertical line down his thigh.

Keith had tears falling down his face as the pain continued. What was worse was that his team didn't know he was there. He didn't know that though. He was waiting for them to save him from this pain. Another wave of pain wracked through his body before the foot steps all faded away.

His leg was bleeding he knew that. He felt the warm liquid dripping down his leg to his knee. His side was bleeding too. The clothing was sticking to his skin due to the crimson liquid that pooled there. He was stuck in pain as tears streamed down his face and landed in the cool metal table beneath him.

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