💔💔what did I do?💔💔

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Prompt- Lance and the others are under a lot of stress and take it out on Keith who starts to wonder what he did wrong. Eventually he gets everyone together and voices what he sees and ends up breaking down/crying.

It was a few movements after they defeated a large galran fleet. Everyone was injured some more then others but needless to say everyone was under a lot of pressure and a lot of stress. Pidge was trying to find her family just knowing they are alive. Hunk and lance where worried about their families that where still on earth. Shiro was worried about the survival of the paladins and the next course of action against the galra. Allura was focused on finding more of her people. Coran he's just worried about the ship staying aloft. Keith however wasn't really worried about anything, other then his friends survival in this intergalactic space war. He had everything he needed right there he was. His mother with the BOM, his brother with him, his family with him, he was fine. As long as they all survived he would be fine!

What they didn't know is that stress will build up over time. The more it piles up the worse it gets. In some cases families have been torn apart. Relationships gone. They end up turning on their loved ones and hurt them worse that any sword or bullet can. Some people say 'words don't hurt as bad and physical wounds' but Keith disagrees. He's seen families getting torn apart. He himself had built up the stress for so long it cause him to distance himself in fear of hurting his friends. He let that stress go one day and he became the happiest person. But now. As he looks around at his friends his family he sees that they have been doing the same exact thing that he had done all those years ago in the Garrison.

Keith walked into pidges room just as she slammed her hands on the table annoyance taking over her. "You alright pidge?" He asked and pidge gave him a glare. "Yes. Now leave your not helping." She said and the boy felt a bit hurt but he knew she was just under a lot of pressure, so he nodded and left the room heading to the control room. There was shiro and allura who where arguing over what was the best course of action against the galra, something he didn't understand. "Uhm shiro-" "what!?" Shiro yelled at him. Keith looked away "nothing nevermind" he said and shiro waved him off. Keith walked off and ran into lance. "I'm sorry lance" he said and lance glared down at him. "Shut it mullet." He said before walking away. Keith shook his head. They where just under a bunch of stress it's fine. At least thats what he kept telling himself. Keith walked into the kitchen to see hunk baking.

"Hey hunk!" Keith said and waved at the boy. He ignored him and kept mixing the batter for another project. Keith went to grab a cook that was freshly baked only for hunk to smack his hand. "Don't." His tone was cold and it, in full honesty, scared Keith. "Oh okay" he said and walked away once more. Keith kept thinking over this again and again. Most people would say he's an over thinker and he was. He over thinks the smallest details. Hell at this point he thinks it annoys the others. Maybe that's why he was being so rude to! Keith decided that he will stop overthinking in order to get his family back. As he walked to the training room he began thinking. He quickly pushed it away and walked into the large white room. He drew his BOM blade and summoned the gladiator. He began to fight the large robot. Shiro walked in and turned the simulation off. Keith turned around and looked at his elder brother. "Yes?" Keith asked and shiro looked over him.

"Your needed for a mission" he said and walked away. Keith nodded and went to the control room to get the details of his mission. "It's a data retrieval mission. Keith you'll defend while pidge father's the data. You'll both be taking the green lion because of its cloaking ability." Allura explained and the two paladins nodded before heading to the green lion. They soon flew off into space and to the cords of the ship. Once they reached it Keith and pidge ran to the control deck staying silent. Pidge began to collect the data as Keith watched the door. Pidge was almost done when metal hitting metal was heard. She turned around and saw Keith fighting off sentries not letting a single one by. "Keith!" She yelled and Keith kept fighting. She pulled out the drive that was now at full and watched. Keith finished off the last sentry and turned to looked at her.

He nodded and they ran back to the lion. Once they reached the castle they all made sure that pidge was okay. Keith held his arm that was bleeding. "I've had enough!" Keith yelled suddenly making everyone turn to the half-breed male. "I can't take it anymore! What did I do!? I'm being ignored, yelled at, hurt! Why are you guys doing this to me!?" Keith yelled tears in his eyes. In his head he was having flashbacks of his old foster homes and it was slowly getting worse. "Keith-" "I thought I could trust you.." he said and fell to his knees in tears. His breathing picked up and shiro was the first one to him. He pulled the younger boy into a hug and held him close. "Follow my breathing" he said and Keith began to copy his breathing. Keith held onto the other tightly tears soaking his shirt. Shiro comforted the boy while the others hug him. "We're sorry.. we didn't realize we where doing that to you.." allura said.

Keith wiped his eyes. "It's fine.." he said and everyone shared a smile.

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