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Pidge was sitting in the lounge with most of the other paladins. Keith was absent. Like always. "I wonder why Keith is never here" lance said leaning against the back of the couch and putting his hands behind his head. "I don't know lance" pidge said with a shrug. The door opened and no one bothered to look up figuring that it was allura or coran.

It surprised them when a boy with coal black hair and a red cropped jacket said next to shiro his face in a pillow. "Keith?" Hunks voice sweet and innocent sounded making the boy glance up. They all saw how red his eyes where and put together that he was crying. Shiro pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.

They realized he had a hood over his head, his face hidden by the pillow, and a pair of gloves on his hands. All where out of place, even for the emo boy on the couch. Shiro gave him a look that was undefined for the others. He gave a slight nod and shiro pulled off his hood. Two large purple ears where seen and they where pinned to the boys coal black hair.

When he pulled his face away from the pillow his skin was a splotchy purple. The eye in the purple colored skin it's whites where a glowing yellow even his fang where there permanently. Everyone was taken aback by the sudden change in appearance, but they got over it quickly and comforted the boy. The door opened once more.

Allura stood at the door eyes wide. "What is a galra doing here!?" She yelled and Keith looked up. She glared at Keith anger radiating off her. The boy flinched and lowered his head. He wouldn't admit it but he was terrified of allura. "Why is there a glara here?" She asked again voice more sturn.

Shrio turned to look at her after pulling the Korean boy to his chest and holding him. "Because he is out red paladin." Was all he said and alluras face turned into that of one of sadness and pitty. "Oh.. I'm sorry" she said and walked closer. Keith pulled away from shiros chest dispute loving the warmth. He looked at allura who knelt down in front of him.

He took in her facial features. Her eyes showed that of pure truth as she apologized. The boy gave her a smile. "It's okay allura I forgive you" he said and allura bowed her head before standing. "How about some lunch?" Hunk attempted to bring up the gloomy feeling of the air around him.

Shiro gave him a smile. "That would be amazing, thank you hunk" he said and hunk nodded before going to the kitchen to make some lunch for the alteans and paladins. "What shall we do while we wait?" Allura asked and lance had a smug look on his face. Keith did not like where this was heading.

A few minutes later lance was explaining the game truth or dare to the alteans. Coran had joined at some point. They nodded and the game proceeded. "Hm pidge truth or dare?" Shiro asked and pidge seemed to be thinking for a minute. "Truth" she said leaning forward a challenging look in her eyes.

Shiro smiled. "Have you ever dated someone before?" He asked and pidge leaned back a small smile on her face. "No I haven't and I plan on never dating anyone" she said and everyone gave a slight underwing nod. She looked around the circle. "Allura truth or dare?" She asked.

The altean princess looked surprised. "Dare" she said in her heavily accented voice. "I dare you to where the most fancy dress you have in this castle" pidge said and allura gave a sad sigh before getting up and going to her room to change. She soon came back with a long elegant dress on. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Lance smirked and opened his mouth to make a comment or a flirt only for shiro to glare at him. He closed his mother and settled with a small 'you look nice' before she changed back and the game continued. "Lance truth or dare?" She asked and lance put his hand behind his head leaning on them.

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