💔💔I'm joining you💔💔

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Promt- lance died in battle and no one notices until the black lion (Keith's lion) and blue lion (lances lion) chooses a new paladin (shiro and allura) and they all understand what happened with the past black and blue paladins.

Keith spun around quickly and stabbed a glaran sentry just as it was about to attack. "Keith move!" Shiro yelled and the boy jumped up as sendak fired his gun right where his head had been. They where on a mission to rescue some blade members that had gotten trapped while they where in battle.

Shiro punched the glaran commander who got back up. "We're on our way!" Pidge said through coms. That means they found and rescued the blade members and they where now heading to where they where so they all could leave. Lance was the first to show up and began firing at the sentries that stood around the two boys.

Allura, pidge, and hunk soon showed up and they all began running to the green lion. Due to its cloaking ability they where able to get in undetected. As they where running lance was shot by a sentry in the chest. He fell to his knees as blood seeped through his black under suit and onto the white armor.

His armor was broken and yet he still went on the mission. Keith turned around and ran to him lifting him up. "Lance stay with me!" He said and lance slumped against him. Lance let out a dry week laugh. "So this is my end.." he passed and looked at Keith. "I love you mullet.. I hope we meet again.. soon.." he said and his eyes closed.

Keiths eyes teared up as he said his response. "I love you to.." he said as they arrived on the lion. "We need a pod." Keith said into his coms hoping that if they make it in time lance could still be alive. Everyone was at the front as they took off. Keith was in the back with lance trying to get the blood to stop.

Once they got back to the castle Keith lifted up the limp boy and ran him to the med bay ignoring the confused looks of the others. He wasn't injured but the didn't see lance. Coran looked and Keith and shook his head. He was to late. "Please there has to be something I can do!" Keith said sorrow filling his voice.

Coran shook his head again. "I'm sorry number 4 but there's.. nothing we can do.." he said and Keith dropped to his knees lances lifeless body in his arms. He held the boy close and cried. If he was faster, if he moved lance put of the way, if he had stopped the bleeding, lance would still be there.

As days went on the paladins noticed somethings about Keith that seemed to be off. Even his lion was acting weird. The black lion didn't let anyone near her except her paladin. And what didn't help was that the blue lion had her barrier up all the time. Keith hadn't been eating as much, training more frequently, and not coming out of his room.

Shiro had enough he was getting down to the bottom of what was wrong with his little brother and fixing it. He walked into the training deck to see Keith leaned up against the wall breaking heavily. Before shiro could say anything Keith yelled "start training sequence level 35!" and continued to fight the large gladiator.

Shrio sighed. "End training sequence" he said and the robot powered down making Keith turn around and looked at him. "Shiro what do you need?" He asked. Shiro looked into his brothers indigo eyes and saw that they where full but, also full of sadness. "What's wrong?" Shiro asked walking closer.

The taller male put his hand on the others shoulder and he shrugged it off. "Nothing shiro I'm fine" he said and shiro didn't believe him. "Keith. What's wrong." He said his tone firmer. "Nothing is wrong shiro!" Keith lashed out before walking out of the training deck. Shiro could have sworn he saw tears running down his face as he left.

Later in the day no one has seen Keith or lance. Hunk goes to check on lance while shiro goes to check on Keith. A note laid on Keith's bed next to his folded jacket. He never took the thing off. Shiro sat on the bed and picked up the note.

I'm sorry shiro. It's amazing that I know you would be the one to find this note.. I'm sorry I love you and other paladins but I couldn't take it anymore.. the depression, anxiety, and thoughts.. no one even noticed that lance had died! He died in my arms that night of the battle.. by the time you have finished reading this I'm probably dead.. I hope you and the others have a great life with out me or lance.. and I hope to meet you again some day, some where, some how.. but just let me go for now..

-love Keith kogane

Shiro panicked and shot up from the bed. He went to the bathroom door and tried to open it finding out the door was locked. In a panic the boy kicked down the door and the sight before him made him want to throw up.

Keith was laying on the floor blade in hand a cut across his neck and his arm looked like they where attacked by a bear. Shiro covered his mouth as tears formed in his eyes. He watched the flickering blade go out and never light back up.

Shiro fell to his knees and started to cry. Harsh sobs ripped from his throat at the sight of his little brother. Pidge was next to come in. She saw what happened and just stood there. Frozen. Hunk was next he broke down into tears instantly. They found a note on lances bed and this didn't help them one bit.

I'm sorry to tell you that I am dead.. hunk pidge I love you both like siblings.. I'm thankful that you didn't share my secret.. but when I did.. it was to late.. thank you for being there for me.. through everything.. now I say good bye.. I hope we'll meet again..

-love lance McClain

Two people who have been holding this team together have died leaving them to find new paladins and suffer with out there hot head and their goofball friends. It was tough to travel back to earth and bury them. It was even harder to tell Krolia Keith's mother that he had committed.

She had the worst reaction out of them all. She fell to her knees and screamed as she cried. She lost her only baby. The one she sworn to protect. Shiro hugged her close. The black and blue lion had chosen shiro and allura to be their paladins aftet they themselves got over their past paladins deaths.

They all hoped that they would see each other again.

Either it be in heaven
Another life
Or never again.
They swore they would find each other once more.
And be the best family they could be.

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