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Today was an important day for me. It was my first day at my new job and I didnt want to be late. First impressions always mattered and I was not going to allow anything to get in my way. Traffic was bad as usual with many people rushing in different directions, the traffic lights not working and an accident creating more traffic.

A car suddenly overtook me, making my heart skip a beat. I put my foot on the brakes and the car made a screeching sound. Had I not braked on time, I would have crashed into the Ferrari that tried to overtake me.


My car was an old Mercedes that my dad used to drive. I treasured it because of how much dad used to love driving it. It reminded me of him and it was the closest thing I had to him ever since he passed away with mom in a tragic car accident a few years ago. I couldnt afford to buy a new car so it was all I had.

I was unemployed for three months. I had saved up enough to last me three months while I looked for a job. However, three months quickly went by and I had been unemployed for six months. For months and months, I struggled to find a job, leaving me with no other option but to work two jobs.

One at a coffee shop and the other as a hostess at a five star hotel. I was forced to quit my previous job because my employer was racist and accused me of incorrectly auditing the company's financial statements. According to her, I was trying to "liquidate the company".

Fortunately, I met Smith when I was working at the five star hotel. We used to attend classes together in university so he knew my qualifications could get me a better salary than the one I was earning. I worked for his institution for six months until he recommended that I work for A.E.D Holdings. Apparently, they needed an accountant urgently and he referred me to them.

I parked my car at underground parking and hurriedly gathered all my things. I spotted the Ferrari that almost made me crash earlier on, parked in one of the VIP parking for the owners, making me internally curse.

The building was tall and modern with glass everywhere and modern furnishings. I felt overjoyed as I made my way to the reception.

"Hi, Im looking for Timothy. Timothy Gates. Its my first day here." I said, smiling at the blonde receptionist. She looked elegant in a black formal shirt and pants with nude stilettos.

She looked up at me with a disgusted look. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Just tell him that Shayla Simmons is here."

She heaved a sigh and dialed a number on the telephone. Within two minutes, Timothy came. He was wearing a formal black suit with a pure white shirt.

"Shayla, so good to see you again. Are you excited to start working?" He asked, grinning and I nodded.

"Let me show you to your office." He suggested and I followed him.

"We're happy to have you working here. Smith said good things about you and seeing your qualifications, you're really good at what you do." He spoke, choosing the floor level when we got into the lift.

I laughed nervously. "I'm honored to be here."

"Once you settle in, I'll take you to meet the CEO." He informed me.

My eyes grew wide. "He wants to see me?" I asked and he nodded.

"I wont lie," He heaved a sigh, "He is very strict and hates employees who slack off. He values hard work and commitment. Just make sure you do your job well and youll stay on his good side."

"Thanks for telling me."

"The last accountant stole from the company so he'll be keeping tabs on you." He added and I suddenly felt pressured.

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