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I decided to go for a run this morning. It's been two weeks since Shai came back home. I've been on edge the entire time, worried she'd get her memory back at any moment. At the same time I wished for her to get it back. Gabriella would soon give birth and I didn't know how I'd explain bringing a baby that isn't ours home.

I stripped my clothes off and got in the shower. After the shower, I grabbed a white towel, tightening it around my waist and walked towards my closet. I paused in my tracks when I saw her sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.

"Is everything okay?" I walked closer to her in long strides. She glared at me with an angry scowl pulling at her lips.

"Shai, talk to me. Are you okay?"

She stood up and faced me. Her eyes were bloodshot and a look of irritation flashed her eyes.

"Angel, what's going-"

"So you're having a baby with that psychopath. After everything she did, you're having a baby with her?" She spat.

My eyes widened. Knowing that she got her memory back made my chest tighten with emotion. I inhaled, trying to prepare myself to reveal the truth to her.

"Don't just stay quiet." She huffed, folding her arms.

"So you got your memory back?" Was the only thing I could think of saying.

She gave me a murderous look. "That's all you have to say." She said through gritted teeth.

My hand reach for her hand but took a few steps back.

"What do you remember exactly? What you remember could influence your understanding."

"It doesn't matter what I remember. I can't believe you cheated on me with the same person that kidnapped me!" She exclaimed.

I took in a noseful of air to calm myself. "I didn't cheat on you. Don't you remember what happened after you got kidnapped?"

"No, but all I remember is her saying she's pregnant and finding out that you're the father of the child." Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Let me explain it. Your memory is a bit clogged up and now you have it all wrong."

"Wait, what?" She recoiled in shock.

"Just give me time to explain." I pleaded with her, my eyes never leaving hers.

"What if you lie to me?" Her eyes gazed at me with suspicion.

"I wouldn't lie to you. I'm actually hurt that you would think that." I replied.

She started searching for her bag and her phone hurriedly. She then walked to the door in long strides. Before she could leave i grabbed her wrist.

"Shai, wait." I pulled her towards me.

She turned around and yanked her wrist out of my grasp, her eyes glared at me with hatred.

"Leave me the fuck alone. You already broke my heart once and I don't need you to do it again." She snapped.

I grabbed both her wrists and pinned her against the wall. My face was a few inches from hers. She looked surprise but covered it with a deadpanned expression.

"I'm going to get dressed, ask Emilia to make you chamomile tea to calm the fuck down then we'll talk. You lost your memory and I won't allow that to break us apart. I can't lose you over that. Now go to sit on the couch and try to relax." I spoke, flickering my eyes to her soft, plump lips. I was tempted to kiss her but I couldn't be distracted now.

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