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Samuel cleared his throat. "Sorry we took a long time sir."

Ace waved his hand. "It's okay, Samuel. You guys actually came faster than I thought."

He stood up and offered his hand to help me stand up. I took it, then fixed my shirt and grabbed my belongings.

"I'm taking you home and I'm not asking." He said with an authoritative voice.

I nodded, too busy thinking about the kiss we shared. My heart was pounding against my chest on the way back home. The tension between us was suffocating me and I was counting the minutes until we reached my apartment.

I didn't expect things to escalate the way they did. Everything he went through made my heart sink knowing that he was forced to break up with me. He could have handled it differently by telling me the truth rather than distancing himself and breaking up with me so abruptly.

I let out a sigh of relief when we got to my apartment. He came in with me to say hi to Mason before leaving.

"Daddy!" Mason squealed when he saw Ace.

"Hey, champ." He said lifting him up.

"How was school Mase?" I asked him while pouring myself a glass of water.

"It's okay. We have a school trip and you have to sign the form." He told me.

I nodded. "Where's aunt Brie?"

"In her room. studying." He replied before facing Ace. "Are you my real dad?" He frowned.

Ace looked at me with a shocked expression and I returned it, caught off guard by the question.

"Of course I am Mason. What makes you think Im not?"

Mason looked down and played with his fingers, something that became a habit whenever he was nervous.

"Your assistant."

Ace's jaw ticked, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Audrey told you that?"

He nodded, wiping a tear that slid down his cheek. "She said mommy lied and you're not my real dad."

Ace picked up Mason and hugged him soothingly. "That's not true, Mase. I'm your real father. Your mother wouldn't lie to you and neither would I. You are a Donato and you should be proud of that."

I moved towards them and wiped his tears before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Your dad's right. Don't believe anyone who says that because they are all liars, promise."

"Promise." He grinned, sniffing.

"Now, go to your room so I can talk to your dad. I'll be there to read your bedtime story."

I gave Ace a questioning look filled with rage.

"Why on earth would she say that?" I asked once Mason left.

His eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head disapprovingly. "I need to have word with her."

"She has no right telling Mason something so awful." I folded my arms, feeling enraged.

"Don't worry about it." He said drawing me into his embrace.

I pulled away, earning a questioning look from him. "Are you still mad at me?"

"I'm not mad." I replied.

"So, what's wrong, angel?"

"Just because I forgive everything doesn't mean were back together."

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