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"Thanks for coming. It was so great seeing you." I told Beverly in the foyer.

"Thank you for inviting me, I had so much fun. We should do a catchup soon after fetching the kids from school." She replied.

"Of course." I grinned.

"Goodnight." She waved before walking out the front door.

"Goodnight." I waved back and closed the door.

Taylor had to leave immediately to catch her flight to New York for her photoshoot leaving me with Brie and Anto.

I went back to the kitchen and found them making tea. They were whispering and suddenly kept quiet once they noticed my presence.

"Why are you guys acting weird?" I looked at them suspicious.

A nervous giggle escaped Brie's lips. "No we're not. I mean what is there to hide. There's nothing to hide. You're the one acting weird I mean-"

"Why don't you have some tea and cake." Anto cut her and put chamomile tea and a slice of chocolate cake in from of me.

I raised my eyebrow at them. They obviously knew something that I didn't. The more suspicious they acted the more inquisitive I got.

"What are you guys hiding?"

Brie cleared her throat. "Nothing at all."

I analyzed them one last time before realizing that it was just my imagination. My mind drifted to Ace, wondering what was doing. I missed him terribly and I wanted to call him and hear his voice. Going a day without hearing from him felt strange and gave me an unsettling feeling.

"What's wrong, querida? You're so quiet." Anto frowned.

I shook my head, staring at the spongy, chocolate cake. It looked so delicious yet I didn't have an appetite.

"I miss him." I admitted.

"Don't worry, he'll be back soon. He's just taking a break to clear his thoughts, I'm sure." Brie gave me an assuring look.

"He's still heated so let him cool down." Anto added.

I let out long frustrated sigh, my mind drifting to him and wishing he could come back sooner or at least give me a call.


~Brie's POV~

"Anto, she's very smart and she can detect lies from afar. " I whispered.

It was the day after Shai's baby shower and we were both in the office at mine and Romeo's house. Anto left Shayla at home. She lied and told her she was going to get her hair done. Shayla was very worried because Ace wasn't home but Anto managed to calm her down.

"I know but we have to try our best. She can't know the truth." Anto replied. "She's highly expectant and I don't want her to stress."

"Hopefully Romeo's got good news." I huffed.

On cue, Romeo walked into the office. He looked drained and lifeless. His eyes were bloodshot with dark circles underneath and his hair was messy giving him a disheveled look.

"Mi amor, que Pasa? You look awful." Anto concerned, rushing up to him to engulf him in a hug.

"Gee, thanks." He chuckled lowly.

He came up to me and gave me a peck on the lips and caressed my bump.

"I missed you." He

"I missed you too." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

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