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"Answer me, Shayla. What are you doing here with Crisanto?" Ace questioned, his eyes filled with rage.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Clearly having a good time. Is there a problem?"

"Cris, what's going on here?" His fiery gaze shifted to his best friend who had an amused look.

"Look man, nothing's going on. She came here with Taylor and her sister. You know this is my sister's engagement party and I found her alone at the bar. So I kept her company, nothing more." He said, raising his hands.

Ace grabbed my wrist and dragged me. I protested trying to take my wrist out of his grasp but his hold was too tight. Several people were looking at us making me feel awkward as he dragged me.

He stopped and turned to face me.

"How dare you drag me like that!" I yelled the alcohol making me feel even more enraged.

He ignored me and took his jacket off. I yelped when he carried me over his shoulder then covered my bum with his jacket. I kept hitting his back, protesting against his actions.

"Put me down you insignificant jerk!"

He ignored me and continued walking. He stopped and put me down in front of his Ferrari SF90. He opened the door and said, "Get in" with a straight face.

"I'm not getting in. I'm going back to the party."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Just get in the car and stop wasting time."

"I'm not going to." I pouted.

"If you don't get in on the count of three, you'll regret it." He warned, his intense green eyes holding mine.

"One, Two-" I heaved a sigh and got in the car not wanting to argue. I just wanted to go home and sleep off all this pain I was feeling.

He got in the car and the engine roared when he started it. He sped out the gate, driving fast. His hands gripped the steering wheel so right that his knuckles had gone white.

"Why did you make me leave the party?" I asked.

"You went there without telling me." He replied. "I was worried about you and you weren't answering my calls."

"I was having such a good fucking time and you ruined it." I snapped. He drove faster clearly annoyed by my outburst.

"I know you're mad but going to a party especially wearing that is crossing the line. That dress is way too revealing and I don't like how other men were looking at you. Worst of all I get there and find you flirting with my best friend. What the fuck Shai?"

"So what if I was flirting with him?" I said to make him angrier.

"You're my girlfriend. At least act like it."

He then turned into the gate of the estate and drove towards mansion.

"You're the one who's not acting like a boyfriend. You left me here waiting the entire day!"

He stopped the car on the side of the road, looking at me fiery eyes. He looked like an animal about to attack it's prey.

"I apologized for it. I expected you to wait for me but no. Where do I find you? At a party flirting around!" He raised his voice making my eyes widen.

I swallowed hard. "You brought me all the way here for what? For you to go and spend the day with the woman you were supposed to marry?"

He let out a bitter chuckle. "So that's what bothered you. That I went with Gabriella?"

The Billionaire's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now