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~Shayla's POV~

The next morning, I took Mason to school and dropped Brie off on campus. I was enjoying my drive to the office, listening to the radio when my car suddenly broke down. A burning smell filled my nostrils and I knew that it was the engine. I abruptly overtook some cars so I could quickly park on the side of the road before the car shut down. I tried to start the engine but it refused.


I hurriedly dialed the mechanics number to come and fix the car.

"We can only make it there in an hour ma'am. Sorry but traffic is bad this morning." The mechanic said, apologetically.

I let out a shaky breath, losing all hope. I then called in at work to inform them of my situation. I sat in my car, tears rolling down my cheeks as I let out all the pain and suffering I bottled inside. I always acted like everything was alright but it was too much for me to handle and it was taking a toll on my mental health.

Everything from my parents passing away in a tragic accident, my unexpected, heart-shattering break up with Ace to trying to pay off all my debts and still keep everyone happy. I rested my head on the steering wheel, sobbing and crying out loud without a care in the world.

I heard a knock on the window, making me jolt. I looked up and saw Ace standing outside, waving his hand with a concerned look on his face. I blinked rapidly trying to decipher if I was really seeing him or if it was just my imagination.

"Shai, open up." I heard him say, making me realise it was really him.

I quickly wiped my tears before coming out the car.

"Are you okay?" He asked, with a worried look. "Wait, have you been crying? Your eyes are red."

I forced a smile. "No, I didnt get much sleep last night because Mason had a fever." I lied.

His face grew more worried. "Is he okay?"

I nodded. "Yes, he's all good. I just took him to school."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Why is your car on the side of the road?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"The engine broke down but a mechanic is on his way." I answered.

"I'll have one of my bodyguards take care of it and Ill take you to the office." He offered.

I shook my head. "I'll just wait for the mechanic. I already told Timothy that Ill be late."

"Who is that?" He questioned and I remembered he obviously only knew his employees last names.

"Uh - Mr Gates. The head of the Finance department." I replied and he nodded.

"Come on, get your things and let's go". He said, walking towards his Ferrari before I could refuse his offer again.

I grabbed all my belongings and gave my key to his bodyguard, Samuel, so he could look after my car until the mechanic got here. I then got in Ace's car, internally rolling my eyes when I recalled the time he overtook me. I had to admit, it was a gorgeous car with fine leather and it smelt fresh. The engine roared when Ace started it and we made our way to the office.

"Why don't you just get a new car?"

I shook my head. "No ways. My father gave it to me and besides I can't afford a new car."

"It's very old though and I'm telling you now you're going to keep having problems."

"Thanks for your concern I'll manage perfectly." I replied and he heaved a sigh.

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