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"Wait, you don't remember me?" My voice cracked.

She narrowed her eyes at me, glaring at me like a stranger. "Please leave my room sir. I have no idea who you are."

I stood unblinking, trying to process her words. I walked closer to her then grabbed her hand but she jerked away like my touch burned her.

"Angel, it's me. You have to remember me." I pleaded. I cradled my head in my hands, inhaling deeply. How could this be?

How is it possible that she forgot me? After everything we've been through, she forgot me. All those nights of passion, the romantic dates, our beautiful children and all the other good memories.

A wholehearted throaty laughter escaped her throat and my eyes widened in alarm meeting  hers.

"I'm just joking." She chuckled.

I glared at her. "You were pretending?" I asked and she held an amused expression.

I shook my head and turned on my heel to leave. As much as I was happy to see her awake, I was annoyed that she toyed with my feelings like that.

"Ace, wait." She called out and I stopped in my tracks.

I turned to face her, shoving my hands in my pockets. Her eyes softened as she looked at me with that familiar warm gaze that made my heart tug.

"I'm sorry. I just thought it would be funny." She said, her lips parting in a smile. "You can't be mad at me."

I rolled my eyes unable to stop my smile. I walked to her in long strides and embraced her in a tight hug.

"You really scared me this time, baby." I whispered in her ear.

She sniffled. "I know but I'm okay. I made it."

She slowly let go of me. I pulled away a bit and met her lips. I pressed my lips against her soft, plump ones, kissing her tenderly.

"W-what happened?" She questioned after we pulled away. "My head hurts. Everything feels weird too. It feels like I've been asleep for ages."

"You were in a coma." I explained.

"I don't remember how I ended up here."

I shook my head. "Let's not talk about that. Right now what matters is that you're alive and well."

"Whenever I try to remember anything, my head hurts."

"It's normal, baby. It's only temporary. Soon you'll remember everything. I'm just glad you didn't forget me." I said, breathing a sigh of relief.

She chuckled. I smiled, a wide genuine smile hearing her melodious laugh.

"Of course, I could never forget you. Where's my little man? I miss him so much. And why are we in a hospital in England?"

I gave her a confused look. "What do you remember exactly?"

She looked down at her hands before meeting my eyes again and her eyes grew wide. "Wait, are we engaged? I don't remember you proposing."

"That's okay. It'll all come back to you."

"The last memory I have is us preparing to travel to Italy to meet your family. We just got back together and you asked me to be your girlfriend." She blushed.

"You have a lot to remember." I told her lacing our fingers together.

A look of terror passed through her face. "How long has it been since Italy?" She asked.

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