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I woke up with a slight headache. The left side of the bed where Ace slept was empty. My heart broke when I remembered our argument from last night. I checked the time and it was only 6a.m.

I went to check on the twins first before preparing for the day. Alle was awake but Sandro was sleeping.

"Hi, my little girl." I smiled at her and she cooed at me. Her hands were trying to reach me and I lifted her. I gave her a bath and changed her into warm clothes. Although it was spring now, it was still chilly outside.

She began crying when I started doing her hair. I gave her a cracker so she'd chew on it and it worked. Once I was done, I sat her in front of the TV in their room.

I found Sandro awake playing with his toy in his crib. I grabbed him and got him ready for the day. Rose came and fed them while I went to take a shower.

I wore black jeans with a comfortable sweater and my LV slippers. I went to check on Mase. I could hear his little snores. He shifted a bit and his eyes shut open when he heard my footsteps.

"Hi, mommy." He smiled at me.

"Hey, my little man." I removed his curls and kissed his forehead.

"We really need to get you a haircut. Your hair grows so fast." I said to him and he nodded.

"I'll get your hairstylist to come today. Is that fine?" I questioned him and he nods again.

I stood up from his bed. "I'm going to make your favourite pancakes so shower first before coming down."

I left and made my way downstairs. As I approached the stairs there were many red roses leading downstairs, making me curious. There was a red carpet on the staircase and flowers leading down the stairs. I walked down the stairs carefully and found the hallway filled with millions of flowers.

I was in awe. The whole floor was covered in roses. Each flower vase had a note telling me where to go. I followed the directions and found Ace standing outside by the pool with a big bouquet of red roses. He was dressed casually in white chinos, a pure white tee and
Gucci sneakers. I was in awe at the site of him. It felt like I was falling in love all over again.

He gestured to come towards him and I shyly walked in his direction. Once I got there, he gave me a hug and a peck on my forehead.

"These are for you." He gave me the flowers and I took them.

"Don't pout like that. It makes me want to kiss you. You know that."

I rolled my eyes as I fought the urge to smile.

"I'm still mad you know." I scowled.

His green orbs looked into my eyes intensely.
"I'm sorry about the way I acted yesterday. I'll admit that I was a bit -"

"A bit?" I cut him off.

He sighed. "Okay, okay. Very jealous. I just can't stand to see another man trying to make a move on you."

"Look, I need you to trust me. Your my fiance not him. I would never leave you for him. And if he has any intention of pursuing me I'll shut him down."

A small smile appeared on his face and his cheeks flushed with a rosy tint.

"Are you blushing, Mr Donato?" I asked him.

"Shut up." He chuckled.

I reached up to kiss him and he lowered his head to kiss me. His hand wrapped around my waist as he deepened the kiss.

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