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"Move in with me."

I gawked at him in disbelief.


His lips twisted, as he leaned forward. "You guys have nowhere to go so move in with me."

"No way, we'll just stay at a hotel until we can get a place to stay."

He huffed, narrowing his eyes at me. "Don't be stubborn now."

Brie walked in grabbing our attention.

"I agree with Ace. Let's stay with him until we get a place. You and I both know we can't afford a hotel. We don't even have clothes. All our belongings burned down in the fire."

I heaved a sigh. "Okay, fine. But only for a short while until we can get our own place."

"I'll help you guys get everything back in place."

"Thank you, Ace." Brie said.

"I prefer your sister. She's not as mean or stubborn as you."

I gasped. "I'm not stubborn."

"You are." They said simultaneously.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.


We stayed in the hospital for a few hours until the doctor said we could go. Mason and Ace weren't harmed by the fire which was a huge relief. I felt sombre over all the things we lost. Wed have to start from scratch which would take a lot of effort. The only things I possessed were my phone, my wallet, my laptop and the outfit I wore today. Everything else burned in the fire.

We got to Ace's mansion and ate a huge meal prepared by his chef. The chef prepared the best steak for me, lamb chops, chicken tenders, fries, vegetables, greek salads and we had tiramisu for dessert. It was the perfect meal to have after such a stressful, strenuous day.

Ace took us to our rooms to rest. His mansion had twenty rooms and he told us to choose any room that we liked. Brie chose a huge room with a view of the garden and the large, infinity pool. It was three rooms away from mine which was opposite Mason's room and one room away from Ace's master suite. I didnt want to stay too close to Ace's suite but I had no choice since I wanted to be closer to Mason.

My heart warmed when I saw Ace had Mason's room decorated with a basketball theme. Mason was obsessed with basketball and had already gone to a few of the games Ace's team played.

I made sure Mason took his bath then tucked him in bed. He still had clothes he brought from our apartment since he would spend weekends here. I read him a bedtime story I grabbed from the bookshelf in his room.

A smile crept its way to my face when I heard his small snores. Have sweet dreams, my handsome little man. I kissed his forehead before retiring to my room.

I charged my phone then decided to take a shower. The bathroom already had expensive toiletries placed, from toothbrushes to shower gels. There was even a white gown that hung on the bathroom door and white slippers. I put on a lotion for my hands, bringing my hands to my nose to inhale the strawberry scent.

A knock sounded through my ears, making me hurry to the door. My heart fluttered when I saw Ace standing outside with a stack of clothes in his hands.

His lip curled. "I thought you might need these to wear until we get you clothes tomorrow."

I grabbed the stack of clothes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, angel." He replied. My stomach clenched at the nickname he'd always call me when we were younger.

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