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~Ace's POV~

I got up at 4 a.m. to take a shower. My heart felt like it was ripped into a million pieces and I didn't have the energy to do anything. My argument with Shai yesterday weighed down on me like a ton of bricks. I decided to sleep in the guest house room because I was too hurt to face her. I also didn't want to say any harsh words that could hurt her. She was pregnant and I had to be considerate so I gave her space by sleeping in the guest house.

I got dressed in formal black pants and a white shirt. I wore a black coat on top. I went up to our room and quietly packed a suitcase. When I was done, I went to our bed to check if she was still sleeping. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her soft snores.

She looked so beautiful sleeping. My eyes shifted from her long eyelashes to her shapely, pointed nose then to her full plump, lips. She looked relaxed, her face was void of any worries. I looked at her one last time before leaving.


I searched the bed next to me for Ace and it was empty. I felt empty and heartbroken when I remembered our fight yesterday. His words kept on replaying in my head, ripping my heart apart into a million pieces. I did my morning routine and went straight to bed. I didn't want to leave my room or talk to anyone.

There was a knock on the door and I felt hopeful that it was Ace. I quickly fixed my hair and grabbed the lipgloss from my drawer, quickly applying it. I pretended as if I was scrolling through my phone.

"Come in." I uttered and the doors opened. My heart sank when Anto came in holding a tray of what looked like pancakes, fruits and juice.

"Buenas Dias, mi hija." She beamed at me and put tray in front of me. "I made you some pancakes."

"Thank you." My voice barely came out in a whisper.

Her lips pursed together as she stared at me with concern. "You look sad today. What's the matter?"

I blinked the tears away, avoiding her eyes. "Ace and I had a fight." I told her.

"It's okay, mi amor. Couples fight all the time." She assured me, sitting on the bed.

I shook my head. "This wasn't just a small fight. I made him really mad because of my trust issues. A-and I think I-" I paused taking in a deep breath.

"I think I lost him." I said, bursting into tears and she shifted closer to me, embracing me in a hug. My chest became tight and I struggled to breathe.

"Don't cry, Shayla. Ace could never leave you. He loves you too much." She said, pulling away and holding my hands in her warm ones.

"No, Anto. You should've seen him. He looked really defeated and I think I actually hurt him this time."

"Just give him some time. He will eventually come back. He's just hurting but I know he will be back." She replied with a small smile.

I blinked at her repeatedly, processing her words. "You think so?"

"I know so." She chuckled. "He can't live without you. But I think you also should learn to trust him. A relationship without trust is like a house with no foundation."

I nodded. "I know, I have to work on my trust issues. It's just that all these past events have made me really insecure and now I don't trust anyone."

"I understand, mi hija. Don't worry, you guys will be fine. You just need to learn to trust him and you will see it all work out."

"Thank you. I really needed this." I sniffled and used the serviette on the tray to dry my tears.

"Eat up then come down to the salon so we can get you ready."

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