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~Shayla's POV~

"He's what?!" I yelled into the phone, panicking. Ace looked at me with curiosity.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I told her when she told me which hospital they were at.

"What happened?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't have time to explain. I need to go." I said, tears running down my face. My poor baby was sick. All I wanted was to be by his side and make sure that he's fine.

"Wait, let me come with you." He offered, looking concerned.

I didn't even hear myself say yes. I just wanted to go to Mase and be there for him. He grabbed his suit jacket and asked Audrey to have his car ready. We got into his Ferrari with his bodyguards trailing after us. He was driving so fast but I didn't care. I just wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

I felt impatient, my heart hammering in my chest. I jolted when Ace's hand reached over, covering mine to soothe me.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." He assured me, his eyes holding mine with a look of concern. I nodded hastily, my leg bobbing up and down, anxiously waiting to see if Mason was okay.

As soon as we got to the hospital, I asked for Mase's room number. Many people recognized Ace but my main focus was on Mason. We got to the room and found Melissa sitting beside him, watching him sleeping. She looked relieved when she saw me.

"Is he okay?" I asked, rushing over to him. His curly hair was all over the place. He looked so cute sleeping.

She nodded. "We got here in time and the doctor managed to sedate him. He's fine now." She replied.

Her eyes bulged out of her sockets when she noticed Ace standing at the door, probably recognizing him.

"I-I am Melissa, Mason's teacher." She introduced herself, with a shaky voice and extended her hand. He shook it, his face void of any emotions.

"I better get going." She told me, grabbing her bag.

"Thank you for bringing him here and taking care of him." I said, with a small smile.

"Oh no, it's not a problem." She waved her hand. "I'll get going."

She left, leaving me with Ace. Our eyes met, making my heart skip a beat, a palpable pause that reverberated through my chest. He sat on the couch in the room, watching me intently, curiosity laced in his eyes.

"Is he your son?" He questioned, with a quizzical look.

"Yes, he is." I answered, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"How old is he?"

I bit my lip nervously, wishing he could leave. I let out a sigh of relief when the door opened, revealing a middle-aged man with grey hair. I assumed he was the doctor by the uniform he was wearing.

"Hi. Are you by any chance Shayla Simmons, Mason's mother?" He asked, pushing his glasses back.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

He nodded. "I'm Dr Owen." He introduced then continued. "He had an allergic reaction to almond nuts. His tongue was swollen but luckily he was brought in on time before his airways could become blocked. I managed to sedate him but he should be up in a few minutes or so. Here's his subscription." He smiled, handing me a paper.

"Thank you so much Dr Owen." I gave a small smile back.

My eyes widened when I saw the amount I had to pay for his medication. My head started pounding, with a sickening wave of panic welling up from my belly.

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