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~Shayla's POV~

"Shayla, are you okay?" Romeo questioned when he saw me standing in the foyer.

I stood still rigid with terror, my stomach contracting. I clutched my chest, feeling my heart pounding, each beat a thunderous echo of shock gripping me.

A worried look crossed Romeo's face. His hand touched my shoulder soothingly. "Are the babies fine? Are you feeling sick?"

"S-she took Ace. It's her. GabriellatookAce." I mumbled.

"Wait, I need you to speak slower. Please calm down."

I handed the phone to him, my fingers twitching with nervous energy. His eyes widened in alarm as he read the messages. His face was contorted with a mix of disbelief and shock.

"Who's phone is this?" He questioned.

"It's-" I began sobbing.

"It's Gabriella's. Susan told me she forgot her phone here on her way out."

"Fuck. She's been right under our noses this whole time." He ran a hand through his hair frustratedly

"She has Ace and she's planning to marry him." I cried and he quickly wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Wait that means Audrey isn't the main boss. It's been Gabriella this whole time. That also explains the ultrasound in her bag." Romeo said putting all the pieces together.

Emilia appeared, looking worried. "Miss Gabriella is at the gate. She came to get her phone." She informed me.

"Shit!" Romeo cursed.

Brie and Antonella soon emerged from the hallway, both of them laughing at something Anto said. They're laughter died down when they're eyes zoned in me, concern flashing their eyes.

"What's with all this commotion?" Anto asked.

"Shai, why are you crying?" Brie questioned.

"I'll explain later." Romeo replied.

He quickly took his phone out of his pocket and took a photo of the messages on Gabriella's phone. He then removed the messages from the lockscreen.

"Emilia, give this to Gabriella. If she asks if anyone saw her phone, just say no one saw it. Leave it here on the table so that she doesn't get suspicious. The rest of you go to the office now. She can't become suspicious or else we'll lose our chance of finding Ace." He instructed.

We all rushed to the office. Ricardo was with some detectives. He looked up and saw us panicking.

"What's going on?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

Romeo took the TV remote and switched it to the cameras in the house. We all watched Gabriella speaking to Emilia as she took her phone. She then left after a bit.

"Track Gabriella's phone now." Romeo told the tech guy.

"Romeo, can you explain what's going on?" Anto heaved a sigh.

"She took him. I've got proof. I took a photo of the messages Audrey sent to Gabriella."

He connected his to the TV and displayed the messages on the screen. Everyone gasped.

"I knew it. I didn't trust her one bit." Brie snarled, her hands balling into fists.

"So Audrey works for her?" Ricardo questioned, looking shaken up.

Romeo and I nodded.

"We need to act fast. Gonzalo, try to tap into her phone. We need to listen to her phone calls and also track her number." Dave, the detective said.

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