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I blinked repeatedly in shock, feeling embarrassed.

"Why does this keep happening?" Ace muttered under his breath, visibly annoyed.

"Hi, Grace." I greeted her, still breathless.

"Sorry to interrupt you." She spoke avoiding our eyes.

I walked past her in a rush to get to my room. I could hear Aces footsteps following close behind. "Shayla, wait."

I ignored him and continued walking until I reached my room. I tried to close the door but his foot stopped it from closing. "We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. Now if you can please leave. I've got a long day tomorrow."

Hurt flashed his eyes before he nodded and left with a second glance. I closed the door and took deep breaths in and out. I stood against the door, still processing the moment we had in the elevator. My fingers touched my lips replaying the moment causing tingles in my stomach. It was getting more and more difficult to resist and now that we lived so closed to each other, I found it harder to hide my attraction and love for him.

I struggled to sleep again tossing and turning, thinking about him the entire night. The next morning, I woke up with a headache. This is why I hated alcohol and avoided consuming too much of it. The next day, I'd have a terrible hangover that would take days to recover from. I drank the bottle of water on m bedside table before going to take a shower. I got dressed in formal clothes then put on light makeup. Once, I was ready, I went to wakeup Mason to get him ready for school. I was surprised to see no trace of Ace downstairs when we went to have breakfast.

"Hey, Grace. Have you seen Ace?" I asked her.

She stopped stirring whatever she was cooking and faced me with a warm smile. "He left early for work."

I nodded. After eating breakfast, Mason went with Samuel to school while I drove to work. The day went by fairly fast which I was grateful for. This hangover slowed me down and made me feel sick. Ace wasnt in the office. He went to a construction site for a new project he was working on.

I was finishing up a report when Timothy came in.

"Hey, are you busy?" He asked me.

I nodded, yawning. "I have to finish this report for the bi-monthly meeting next week." I answered.

My phone vibrated indicating that I received a message. I opened it when I saw it was from Ace.

'I'm meeting important investors and I need you to be here in ten minutes. Samuel's outside to take you.'

My eyes widened in alarm and I quickly gathered my belongings, making Timothy look at me confused.

"What's wrong?" He questioned with curiosity.

"I have to rush to a meeting. I'll see you tomorrow." I told him before rushing out the office.

I found Samuel waiting outside the office as Ace said. On the way, I quickly retouched my makeup and made sure I looked presentable. Samuel parked outside one of the hotels that belonged to the Donato Hotel chains. He walked with me to take me to the meeting, several people stared at me when they recognized me. We took the elevator to the highest floor.

"Here we are, ma'am." Samuel said.

"Thanks, Samuel." I grinned at him.

My mouth opened in a silent scream when I opened the large entrance door and found the entire foyer of what looked like a two story penthouse covered with red roses. Ace stood in the middle carrying a huge boquet of red roses, looking devilishly handsome in a black suit.

The Billionaire's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now