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***One Year Later***

A year later and life has never felt so peaceful. It almost felt too good to be true waking up to complete peace without worrying about anything. Gabriella's passing was sad but at the same time there was more peace in our lives.

A lot had happened this past year. The twins were one year and seven months old, Mason was nine years old and Andreas just turned one last week. We threw a basketball themed birthday party for him and he absolutely loved it. He had a good relationship with his siblings and we also had our own special bond. Even though he wasn't mine by blood, I still treasured him like he was my own.

Brie and Romeo got married at the family's Vineyard a month ago. It was a beautiful and  joyous occasion filled with love, laughter and happiness. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

*** Brie's wedding***

"You look so beautiful." Leo wiped his tears. "Romeo is going to cry when he sees you."

"Okay, guys. It's time to go. All bridesmaids need to make their way." I announced.

I was the maid of honor and I loved every moment of it. I was glad that everything was in in order. Once everyone was out of the room, it was just me and Brie.

"I'm nervous." She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. She fluttered them open and there were tears threatening to spill

"No, no, no. We can't ruin your makeup. And don't be nervous, okay." I beamed at her with undisguised admiration. "Just enjoy this moment. It's your day today."

She sniffled, leaning forward to embrace me. "Thanks, Ayla."

I squeezed her into a tight hug then released her. "Let's get going or else Romeo will think you stood him up."

The violinists we hired began playing the song for the bride when she stood at the entrance. Everyone stood up and looked at her in awe. She walked alongside Ricardo and Matteo. Romeo had tears in his eyes, his gaze fixated in her like she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Ace whispered something in his eyes and they both nudged each other smirking.

The ceremony began and everyone took their seats. I stood alongside the other bridesmaids who were Taylor and Noa.

"Do you, Brie Simmons, take Romeo Donato to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

There was a silent pause before she replied with a firm yes.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest announced.

Romeo wasted no time and scooped Brie in his arms, locking his lips with hers in a passionate kiss. The room erupted with loud cheers and everyone applauded them.

****End of Flashback****

"Baby, where are you?" I heard Ace calling me.

"In here." I replied, wiping a tear that slipped under my lash.

I was in our now empty room. It was sad seeing a place where so many memories were created, so empty. Ace and I agreed that we wanted to start a completely new chapter and that meant moving into a new house.

We found a house and renovated it. It was much bigger than this house. I enjoyed furnishing it and making it the perfect home for us all. It had fifteen bedrooms and thirteen bathrooms. It was a four story mansion with a movie theater, a summer house, a guest house, a tennis court, a spa, a lake etc. I was also excited because my closet was two stories which was the best part.

"There you are." He breathed a sigh of relief. "We have to go." He said after giving me a peck.

"I was just saying my last goodbye." I muttered. "Let's go." I smiled at him, interlocking our hands.

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