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"Maybe she hasn't told anyone yet and she wanted to keep it a secret." Ricardo commented and we all nodded.

But I still felt some doubt. She's the type to announce every big event in her life. Maybe this is different and she doesn't want it to be known yet.

"I need to get going. Matteo, you and Romeo must look after the ladies and Mason. I'll be back soon." Ricardo told us. He hugged us all and gave Anto a kiss.

"Gabriella pregnant? I can't imagine her being a mother with her ice cold personality." Brie shook her head with a distasteful look.

Anto laughed placing her now empty cup of tea on the coffee table.

"I don't trust her at all." I said.

"Me too." Brie replied.



Why did I have to bump into that stupid little brat Matteo. He saw the ultrasound which could make everyone suspicious. I had to leave the house as soon as possible. Things were going south and I had to do something before everything gets ruined. I didn't come this far just for my plan to fail.

I dialed Audrey's number.

"Hey, boss. Did you-"

"Listen here. They've caught one of the guards. I need you to find out which police station he's at and have him killed ASAP." I said then hung up.

I got in the car and drove to the house I was renting in Manchester. I instructed the maids to clean the house. Looks like I'll have to stay here for a while until things died down.


~Ace's POV~

My body was shivering from the ice cold water. The warm clothes weren't helping at all.

I had just woken up when the door bust open. Two guards came in and began tying me. They put a blindfold on me.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned, weakly.

They dragged me and before I knew it we were in a car going somewhere. I felt a stinging pain in my arm and I blacked out in seconds.

After what felt like hours of blacking out, I finally became conscious. My head hurt and the pain on my back was still there.

I opened my eyes to check my surroundings.
I jolted when I saw Gabriella standing next to the bed watching me with her arms folded.
To my surprise, I was in a different room from the previous one. This one was smaller with no television or lounge.

"Where am I?" I asked her.

She smirked at me. "You don't need to know. All you need to know is that this is a safer place. As they say, the most dangerous place is the safest place."

I rolled my eyes. "Can I get painkillers? I'm going to get pneumonia if I don't get medical treatment."

"Since your the father of my child, I'll get that for you." She gave me a smile and I looked away.

A few minutes later she came back with medicine and a glass of water. I was hesitant to take the pills but I took them anyway out of desperation.

"Hey, I'm not drugging you. I'm genuinely helping you." She put her hands up in surrender.

She put a cup of hot water on the bedside table. "This is to keep you warm."

"Leave me alone." I demanded. I faced the other way. Her mere sight made me sick to my stomach. I can't believe how cruel she's turned out to be.

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