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I woke up at 4 a.m. as usual to go and excercise. It was a good way to start my day and it kept me fit. Before getting up, I glanced at Shayla, sleeping peacefully next to me in her silky pajama shorts and sleeveless top. Her arm was draped over my torso, dangerously close to my area, making me aroused. I slowly shifted it away and she stirred a bit.

After last night's visit at my parents house with Mason, I convinced her to stay over. She refused the way she usually does whenever I offered something but she ended agreeing to staying over. I couldn't believe it when she agreed and now here she is in my arms.

She was my biggest weakness. Just the mere sight of her would make my pulse quicken and I'd break into a sweat just being around her. Her smile would brighten up my day and her big brown eyes always would make my heart ache. Whenever I wasn't near hear, I'd wonder what she's up to or what who she's with. Staying away from her was pure torture and now that she lived with me there no way I was ever going to let her go.

My thoughts would be consumed with her every second of the day as I longed to be with her. The first time I saw her at the meeting, my heart almost dropped. I couldn't believe it was her. She'd grown into a beautiful woman from the last time I saw her. She was no longer the teenage girl I last saw all those years ago. It was as if the universe had heard my prayers to get her back in my life. And now that she's in my arms again, I'm never letting her go.

After my workout, I took my clothes off and hopped into the shower. I then got out of the shower, wrapping a white towel around my waist. I walked back into the room, hoping not to wake Shai up but I saw the bed was empty. I went to my lounge area and switched the TV on.

"Oh, sorry." A voice I recognized as Shayla's squeaked behind me.

I turned around and found her grabbing her phone from the bedside table.

"Forgot this." She said shyly, her eyes avoiding mine.

When she walked past me, I grabbed her wrist and she yelped.

"Ace, let me go." She demanded.

"Or what?" I teased and she rolled her eyes at me.

I closed the distance between us, lowering my head to kiss her. I locked my lips with hers, cupping her cheek with my cheek. The feel of her soft, plump lips against mine made me want her more and more.

"Dad." A small voice called. We broke apart immediately and on cue Mason walked in the bedroom.

I internally cursed at the interruption watching my son walk in with his iPad in his hand. Shayla was blushing, still catching her breath from the kiss.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" I questioned him.

"Can I still go to the NBA final for my birthday with my friends?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

I chuckled at his cuteness. "Yes, you can."

"Wait since when did you two talk about this? I thought I was taking you to an amusement park for your birthday?" Shayla said with a confused expression.

Mason's lips twisted. "That's boring."

"But you always like the amusement park."

"Just let him go to the finals. It's what he wants for his birthday." I told her and she sighed.

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