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"How long do you think she'll be in the coma for?" I asked.

"We can't estimate how long. What you guys can do on your part is talk to her the way you usually do. Her brain is still active so that might help her wake up." He suggested.

"Can I go see her?" I inquired and he nodded.

"Only one person is allowed at a time."

Brie and Romeo gave me the go ahead and I followed the doctor to her room.

Once, I got in the room, my heart shattered into pieces. She looked so different. Her skin was pale as if her soul had left her body. The tubes connected to her made her look unrecognizable. My eyes teared up as I looked at the love of my life laying in the hospital bed.

I didn't even know what I was going to say to Mason. This was definitely the biggest test life had given me.

I pulled a chair and sat next to her, lacing my fingers with hers.

"Angel, you can't give up like this. I need you to wake up. You've got three beautiful kids who need you." I paused inhaling deeply. "I need you. You are the life of our family. I need you to be strong and wake up. Don't give up on life.

I'm going to find out who did this, I promise. Everything will go back to normal. You will be fine and at your healthiest. I just need you to wake up."

I realized that there tears streaming down my face. She was so still that it hurt to look at her in this condition. I watched her and laid next to her.

The door to the room opened, revealing mom. She clamped her mouth, eyes wide with disbelief when she saw the state Shayla was in. Dad walked in behind her with a look of worry.

Mom shook her head. "How much more must she suffer?"

"Come fai, figliolo (how are you, son?" Dad asked after giving me a hug.

I shrugged. "Non so come sentirmi voglio solo che stia meglio (I don't know how to feel, I just want her to be better."

"It's eleven at night. You've been here for some time. Why don't you go home and rest? We'll stay the night with her." Mom offered.

I shook my head no. "I can't leave her. What if she wakes up and I'm not there."

"We'll call you to let you know if anything. But you need to go home. Your kids need you. Go home and rest. I'm staying here with your father tonight."

I sighed. I looked at her and felt a new wave of sadness wash over me.

"We've all worked out a program to watch over her. Don't worry, everything will be fine. She will wake up soon, okay?" She said, her eyes filled with hope.

I gave her a small smile. "Thank you."

Once I got home, I took a long shower and changed into a tee and sweatpants. Mason was already sleeping. Allegra was sleeping but Sandro was wide awake.

I gently lifted him from his crib and took him in my arms. He kicked his legs excitedly, grabbing a fist full of shirt. I took his bottle and fed him. The more I looked at him, the more I could see his resemblance to Shayla. He had here nose, lips and my eyes.

"Your mom's going to be fine, right Dro?"

He cooed and smiled at me. It was as if to let me know that everything's going to be fine.

"I haven't been the best to her. Everything that's happened is all my fault. Sometimes I think it would be best if I wasn't in her life. But I can't imagine a life without your mom and you guys. You complete and make me want to be a better version."

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