Part 1

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SMACK! He smacks her across the face. Leaving a big handprint mark, watery eyes, bleeding nose and a busted lip. Her hand goes up to touch her face. Not again she says to herself. 

"Please stop Mikey. Please!" 

Being abused by her college boyfriend for the past 3 months have left Sharalyn a broken person. She never would have thought that the guy she dated all through college would ever turn out to be this monster that abuses her and cheats on her. 

She thinks this ordeal is partly her fault because she won't have sex with him. She wanted to at one point, but her mind changed when he started becoming too assertive about sex with her. Trying to pressure her into it. She shouldn't have to feel pressured about anything from her boyfriend so she held off. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years that she never gave in. 

So like any other man, Mikey sought satisfaction from someone or rather several someones over the years. And like a dumbass, she still stayed.

May 14, 2021 is the day that started it all. The day that she will never forget for the rest of her life. The day she died.  When she finally had enough, and stood up to him and wanted to leave, he hit her. Punched her right in the face. The first time he ever put his hands on her.  The start of a new kind of relationship with Mikey. 

He of course apologized, said he was just frustrated because of exams and sexual frustrations. He said if she just satisfied him, took away his stress none of this would have happened. The women, the drinking, the gambling. All her fault because she couldn't satisfy her man. 

"Just let me leave then. If I am such a horrible person and shitty ass girlfriend, let me go." Sharalyn yelled.  "Oh hell no. I am not doing that. I invested too many years and time into you. I am not going anywhere and neither are you until I get what I want. I waited patiently for you to give up that pussy. If I can't have it, no one else will." SMACK - right across the face. KICK - right into her stomach. 

Sharalyn lays curled up in the fetal position on the floor. Crying and bleeding. "Go clean yourself up and get dressed. We are going out camping with the others." Mikey scoffed, walking out of the room. 

Like the good, broken girl she is. Sharalyn gets up and heads to the bathroom. Showers and then treats her wounds. Looking in the mirror, she sighs. The reflection looking back at her is of a stranger. Someone with lost, vacant, emotionless eyes. Someone scared and alone. A tear goes down her face and she lets it. Lets it fall right into the dark hole of the bathroom sink. 

"Fuck this! I am not doing this shit anymore. I need to get out while I can before I end up dying." Sharalyn talks to her reflection. "You deserve more. You deserve to be treated with love, respect, and loyalty. And you will get it." She reaches for her makeup kit, but then stops. 

"Naw, I am not covering it up. What is the point? His friends know what he does and do not care. So fuck it, they can see my bruised and battered body and face. They can see what he does to me and what they allow him to do to me." 

Sharalyn gathers her things. Gets dressed and packs her duffle bag for the camping trip. As she packs, a thought comes into her mind. This could be her chance to escape him. She throws more clothes and essentials in her bag. Enough to last her a few weeks. She is going to get away during this trip. Get away from him and start over. Packing her stuff quickly, she hurries down to the car where Mikey is waiting. She quickly throws her back in the trunk before he can see how big and thick it is. 

She hops into the front seat and he is glaring at her. "Why the fuck did you not cover up your face?" Sharalyn puts her head down and clasps her hands in front of her. Not knowing how to answer the question, she keeps her mouth shut. BANG! her head bounces off the dashboard. Mikey had grabber her by the back of the head and slammed it right into the dashboard. A big bloody knot a gash appeared on her forehead; right by the hairline. Blood starts dripping down her face. Mikey throws a napkin at her, " Clean yourself up before you drip blood all over my car." 

I do as he says and start wiping it up. I keep the napkins on my cut and put pressure on it, trying to stop the bleeding. Mikey starts the car and starts driving off to the woods that we are going camping in. 

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