Part 45

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The next day was the same routine. Still nothing. Before long, the days turned into a week. A week with no sign of Don Alpha. Packs were starting to talk. Donny and Ralph were afraid that someone may try to come in and take over. So that was another thing they had to worry about and plan for. 

The guys of the pack were all on edge and training extra hard just in case. 

After another week with no sign of Dante, Shara said fuck it. She is not going to wallow around anymore being said. No, she was the luna of the pack. She was Mrs. Dante DeNiro. She needed to be strong for the pack and help them all. She had to put on her big panties and handle business. 

Week 2 

Shara got up and decided that she will head to the office and get to work. Dante's businesses still need to be ran. Tiffany and Wendy rode with her to the office. They went to their floors and she went up to hers and Dante's. She went to her office and started working. She knew all the businesses by now and how Dante ran them. She attended meetings, comforted employees, handle employee relations, kept the business going. 

At the pack house, she helped out the pack members. Doing whatever it was she could. She attended meetings and helped make pack decisions. 

Week 3

Same new routine for Shara. Going to the office and helping out in the pack house. No new information on Dante and or his whereabouts. 

Shara was sitting at his desk in the pack house looking through files. Akeem came in and sat down in front of her. "How are you Luna?" She just gave him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. 

"How are you? I know you are missing your cousin like crazy." 

Akeem just stared out of the window. He was feeling extremely guilty and has been hard on himself. Especially since he is head of security and Shara got hurt on his watch and now Dante is missing. No one blames him for anything, but he just won't stop blaming himself. 

"Look Akeem, no one blames you for anything. Don Alpha makes the rules. He told you what to do and you followed the rules. No one in a million years would expect Don Alpha to go missing. It is just unheard of it. It was one thing to be lying in a morgue somewhere, but there is absolutely no trace of him. Like he vanished. I know he is still alive okay. I can feel it.  Our bond has not severed which means he is still alive. He has not denounced me so we are still connected. Okay?"

Akeem just looked at her and nodded his head. " I love you Luna. Thank you. I will not give up hope until you do." Akeem let out a long breath. "Um, three weeks is supposed to be your wedding date. I haven't heard about any plans of you cancelling it."

Just then a tear ran down Shara's face. "I am plan on getting up that morning and getting dressed. I will do my hair and make and put on my beautiful wedding dress. I will arrive at the church and wait for the doors to open up so I can walk down the aisle. I will walk down the aisle that day."

Week 4

Shara and the girls decided to go to the spa to destress. It has been an excruciating month. Still no closer to locating Dante. Other packs have been murmuring amongst themselves. Some are starting to plot on how to overthrow the Zeus Pack. They are aware that Don Alpha is missing. 

However they are not ready to move on those plans yet. They still have to be careful. Although Dante is the Don Alpha, his brothers are just as strong as he is. They have alpha blood in them too. Zeus Pack warriors are still the strongest and biggest soldiers out there. They cannot just waltz in and take over. They are aware that there is a big possibility --- like 90% -- that cannot beat the Zeus Pack even with Dante gone. 

He built up the pack to be self-sustaining. To be able to run without and continue on being the strongest pack out there. His brothers and his wife all know how his businesses work. They all know how to manage them and make a profit. 

The pack members themselves all know how to function as a unit to keep their pack the strongest most feared pack out there. Women and men are all trained. Dante has always prepared them for the worst case scenario. Always prepared them for an attack. They have ran drills and training daily so no one can just come in and takeover. 

Week 5

"Did you do it already?" Tiffany asked nervously. 

"Yes." Shara said just as nervously. "We just have to wait and see." Tiffany nodded in agreement. 

Week five is now here and Shara has been finalizing the details of her wedding. She felt numb doing so. It was so wrong planning this wedding without the groom present but she was determined. 

In her mind, he was going to be standing at the alter waiting for her. Whatever the reason he had to be away for six weeks, she will deal with later. She just wanted to see her husband. She wanted to hold him, smell him, kiss him, make love to him again. She needed him. 

She still felt the bond between the two, so she was aware that he was still alive and haven't just kicked her to the curb. 

That thought has flooded her mind more than once. She had a really low point earlier this week. She finally had the thought that he didn't want her. He ran away from her. He is laying low and staying away from everyone because he didn't want to be around her. 

She has been nothing but drama and trouble since he met her. So much shit has happened because of her. Maybe she was the problem. Maybe she didn't deserve to have a mate and be loved like she thought. Maybe he was over the bullshit. No one should have to fight other packs, deal with assaults, kidnapping, jealousy, canceling your life because of someone else. Spouse or not, that is a lot of bullshit to deal with. And guess what, she brought it all to his doorstep. 

She felt so bad and started doubting herself that she locked herself in the room. Wouldn't eat or drink the whole day. She gained a migraine from the lack of nutrients and stress she put on herself. She made herself sick. She hugged the toilet for two days straight until finally Wendy and Tiffany broke down the door - literally - to her room. 

They say with her and comforted her. Told her she was a stupid bitch for thinking that and no one deserves happiness more than she does. And Dante would not leave you like that. This is the happiest he has ever been and the drama --- is nothing to him. Just keeping him on his toes. 

Shara smiled and nodded. But deep down inside, she still had her doubts. Nothing made sense, so maybe her doubts was true. 

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