Part 34

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A couple of months have passed by. Everything seemed back to normal. The pack all know that Alessandra and her bitch ass friends were killed. The pack respected Shara even more for handling that business and not accepting traitors to the pack. 

Work was still going good and by now, everyone at the office knew she was married to Dante so the guys left her alone. She didn't tell anyone, Dante did. He caught a guy talking to her in the break room, asking her out. Dante's jealous ass walks up to Shara and grabs her neck from behind and tilts her head up and kisses her. Then he said, "I love you Mrs. DeNiro." and walked away. 

Leaving the man standing there in shock. Shara just let out a breath and sucked in her teeth. "So uh yeah, we won't be having lunch together." She said giggling. Within the hour, the whole building knew Shara was Mrs. DeNiro. 

Shara still keeps in touch with Essie, more now than ever. She told her that the Phoenix pack member welcomed and accepted Han with open arms. They were glad Kwan was gone. He was ruining the pack and when they heard what he has been doing for the past few months with their time and resources, neglecting the pack they were livid. They were glad he was being held in captivity. 

The few member Shara did meet, sent their congratulations through Essie. They remembered Shara and liked her. They would have liked for her to be their queen, but it's okay. She is still their queen from afar. 

In the spare time that Shara has, she has been planning her dream wedding with Tiffany and Wendy. Shara wanted to go to New York to with Tiffany and Wendy for a girls trip. While there, they wanted to go dress shopping for the wedding. 

At first Dante was hesitant, he was worried about his wife. He knew he couldn't stop her though, so he decided to send some of his men with her. He had every right to be worried, although she was the strength of the Zeus Pack, she is also their weakness. By now everyone knows, Dante has his mate. Those who want to overthrow the Zeus Pack now know his weakness. 

With that said, Shara will be traveling to New York with the girls, Dante and his brothers, and five guards are assigned to follow Shara everywhere. Dante and his brothers decided to go to New York and check-in on their New York businesses and some other packs out there. 

They load up and get settled in on Dante's private plane. The flight will take awhile, so they decided to leave in the evening so they can be in New York in the morning. Once the plane takes off, Shara gets settled in and orders dinner. The girls are drinking and eating; enjoying each others company in their own little world. The girls are talking about something, but Shara doesn't know what. She is staring out at the dark night sky, a sudden chill went through her. She is not sure why, but she just has a weird feeling about this trip. 

She gets up and calls it a night. She tells the girls goodnight and heads towards the room. On her way there, she stops and says goodnight to the guys and gives a kiss to Dante. He can tell something is bothering her, so he follows her into the room. 

"Baby what is wrong. I can sense something is bothering you."

"I don't know babe. I just got this weird, eerie feeling all of a sudden about this trip." Dante looks at her worried. 

"You think something is going to happen, don't you?" He asked her. 

"I don't know my love. I just got this feeling that something is not right. I don't know what it means, but don't worry okay? I have the guards, I have you and your brothers, I have the girls. There is nothing to worry about." Dante looks at her still worried. His gut is telling him to take this seriously. That something could possibly happen on this trip so he needs to be prepared. 

He knows this trip means a lot to the girls and they really want to go dress shopping, so he is going to let that happen. He will just up the security around them. 

"After your spa day and dress shopping, I want you guys to come right back to the house okay?" Shara doesn't argue because she is the one that has this weird feeling, she knows it is for the best. 

"Of course babe. I will tell the girls when we land." Shara changes out of her clothes and hop into the shower for a quick rinse before bed. Once she is finished, she hops into the bed and goes to sleep. 

Meanwhile, Dante is sitting out in the center of the plane with his brothers. He told them about the conversation he had with Shara. They all reach out to their connects to see if they could figure anything out. 

Dante sits back in the chair and closes his eyes. If someone is out to get my girl, they are dead. I swear to goddess mother, I will wipe out entire families if need be. I am ready to burn cities down. He lets out a breath to try to calm his thoughts down. Somewhere along the line, he fell asleep. 

He was awaken by someone crawling on his lap. He peeks one eye open and sees Shara with a small blanket wrapped around her climbing on his lap. She readjusts herself until she is comfortable and snuggled up against him. He wraps her arms around and rubs her back. Soothing her back to sleep. Once she fell asleep, he stands up and carries her back to the room. He places her in the bed and snuggles up next to her. 

They finally land in New Jersey and get off the plane. They get into the waiting cars that take them to the DeNiro's house in New Jersey.  Shara is in awe at the size of the house and how beautiful it is. Dante smiles when he sees her reaction. "This is yours!!!" Shara exclaims. "No baby, this is ours." She turns to look at him shocked, sometimes forgetting that she is married to this man. 

As they enter the house, she runs around like a little kid looking at everything; touching everything, memorizing everything. She smiles when she is finished and plops down on the couch in the living room. 

"What time is our appointment in the city?" Shara asked Tiffany. We have to be there at 11:00am. We will spend an hour at the dress shop. Then at 12:30, we have our spa day. At the spa we will have lunch there too. We should be finished and back here around 6:30/7:00 tonight." 

"Let's get this show on the road. It is already 10:15am." Wendy said. 

The girls along with their assigned guards head out towards the city. They make it just in time for their dress appointment. The girls try on dresses and sip champagne. They all finally find the dress they like with 10 minutes left in their appointment. The girls purchase their dresses and leave it there for alterations. 

As they leave the dress shop to head to the spa,  that eerie feeling comes over Shara again. She feels like she is being watched. As they step out of the store, she looks around here but doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. One of the guards notices this and starts looking around too. He signaled for the other guards to be on high alert. The girls quickly get into their awaiting vehicle and speed off towards the spa. 

Shara pulls out her phone and texts Dante about her feeling. She assures him that nothing is wrong and it was just that feeling again. They looked around but don't see anything suspicious. Dante tells her to be careful and watch their surroundings. They say they're "I love yous" and goodbyes. 

The girls pull up to the spa and get out and enter. Ready to relax and wash their worries away. 

As the girls get settled into the spa, the guards stand watch all around the outside and the inside of the facility. Giving the girls their privacy but being close enough in case anything happens. 

Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching them. Have been watching them since they stepped foot in New York. 

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