Part 7

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Sharalyn has been recovering over the past few weeks. Each day she is getting healthier and healthier. Her relationship with Kwan is getting stronger every day. The mate pull is getting harder to ignore too. The need for them to mate gets stronger every day. Kwan is trying his hardest not to pounce on her and Sharalyn is trying her hardest not to pounce on him. 

Although she is a virgin, she knows she wants to be intimate with Kwan. She is starting to get frustrated because she wants him to make a move already. Since she is new to this, she doesn't know how to begin to insinuate her wants and desires. She hopes he will just act on his desires, but it is moving too slow for the both of them. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of town. Mikey has been looking all over for Sharalyn. He still cannot believe that she actually left him. He got beat up by her and his friends does not even talk to him anymore.  He feels that Sharalyn has ruined his life and he is going to make her pay for it. Especially after all these years of dating and he never got to see her naked once. He feels that she owes him her body. 

It has been about two months now since he last saw her. He knew she was running through the woods at night. She was badly beaten and he was sure her blood would attract all the wild animals out there. He wonders if she is still lost in the woods after all this time, she couldn't be. She is probably dead by now; one would think. But he cannot help but feel like that is not the case. He has this feeling that she is still alive.

Mikey decides to go out and explore the woods to see if he could find any signs of her. After two months, would there still be any trace of her? He packs up his camping and hiking gear. He loads up his car and heads towards the camping grounds. He remembers which part of the fence she jumped over, so he will start there. It is early in the morning, so he has several hours of daylight to help him search. 

Sharalyn POV

Since I am 100% healed according to the doctor, Kwan said I can go into town with Essie. I haven't been out of his house in two months, and I was starting to go crazy. Essie came and picked me up. 

"The town we are going to his is about 2 miles up the road. Kwan's family built this town. Since it is on private party and built in the middle of the woods, outsiders don't usually come here. There are those who do come who are mates, friends of the pack, and surrounding packs come t hang out. 

The town has everything you need from grocery stores, movies, restaurants, clothing stores, different kinds of shops, auto shops, and hospitals....everything! You will love it. The people are nice too, they are used to being around humans, so don't be alarm. But stick next to me though. You are unmarked which means that guys will prey on you. Unmarked woman means she is free and single."

"But I am with Kwan?"

"Yes, yes you are his mate, but you have not sealed it yet. You can feel the mate bond pull and the need and desire for each other, but until you have fully mated and he marks you, you are still considered single. Once you two mate and mark each other, you will be fully bonded together. You will be able to talk to each other through a special mind link. Since you are mated with the alpha, you will be able to link up to any of his pack members. I can only link up with the family since Han is just the beta. 

I do want you to be aware though, Kwan is a very handsome, powerful man. The women love him and through themselves at him all the time. He has messed around with some of the girls so they feel entitled and shit. Although, he never committed to any of them or kissed any of them, they still like to claim him because they got to suck his dick." Essie says with a stank face. 

I feel some kind of emotion rush over me. I mean, I knew he has been with other women but the thought of these sluts trying to claim him as theirs, makes my blood boil. I need to mate with my man. I am ready for it and I know he has been waiting on me. Tonight is the night. 

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