Part 3

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Kwan POV

I was just out and about strolling around my property. Jax (my wolf) wanted to go for a run, so we went out for a run. I let Jax run around for awhile. I had switched back to my human form and was just walking back home. I got an alert on my phone that some commotion was at the South Gate. I let Jax takeover and we head over there to see what is going on. As we approached, I saw a little woman backing away from the fence. This guy at the other side yelling at her, threatening to hurt her. 

I can smell the fear and the blood? off of her. From just a quick glance, I can tell her is terrified of him and is running away from him. She grabs her things and starts running. The guy starts scaling the fence after her. She had turned off her light, so she was running through thorns not knowing it. 

I follow behind her and see her resting up against the tree. Jax is in an uproar right now. 

"We have to help her Kwan. I can sense that she is injured bad. She needs medical care". Jax says to me. I know, I know. I say back.  As I get closer, she takes off running again. She heads straight for my house. 

Jax and I walk up to her. She turns around and comes face to face with Jax. Shit! I totally forgot to switch back. Crazy thing, she doesn't even look that shocked, she has fear in her eyes but doesn't look that shocked. She looks drained and tired. Obviously in pain, but just nothing left. She passes out and I quickly switch back and grab her. I pick her up and take her inside my house. 

I take her upstairs and place her on the bed in the guest room. I call for the doctor to come here to take a look at her. 

"She has 3 broken ribs, a concussion, a sprained ankle and wrist. Multiple contusions all over and I gave her 7 stitches to her head. She needs plenty of rest for her body to heal. It will take awhile. I drew some blood too, so I will get back with you with the results." Dr. Smith said. "Thank you doc." 

"You felt that didn't you. You felt the connection and spark when you picked her up". Jax says to me. "Yes Jax I felt it. I know who she is. Our mate. And right now our mate is lying in bed beaten and bruised." I say to Jax. "We need to go find that pussy and beat the shit out of him." 

"Hold on a second, Kwan. Let's take care of our girl first. She needs us. That is more important than that fucker. We will get him." Jax huffs out. "We will get him."

I know he is right. I need to take care of my mate. Her health is more important. 

My brother Han calls me through our connection. Everyone in the pack can talk to each other through our connection link. "Yo bro!! Are you going to come into town. There are mad girls here that you can pick from!!" He says. "No Han. I can't. I have something else to take care of that is more important."

On the other end of the property about 3 miles away from my house, my family built a little town for our pack and other weres to hang out. It is our own little oasis, safe haven if you will. The Phoenix Pack is what we are called. We are the strongest, largest pack on the East Coast. My family built this pack and protected it for generations and have been protecting this area for centuries. I am the Alpha, the King, the ruler of the pack. My brother Han is the Beta, second in command of the Phoenix Pack. He also manages the neighboring pack of soldiers. They are called the Warriors. They are trained to fight and protect the packs under me. They are the strongest, biggest, fearless and most dangerous pack of guys in the United States.  He already found his mate in this gorgeous dark skin beauty by the name of Essie. She is human. She was scared at first of course, but now she is one of us. Fits right in and since she is mated with the Beta, she can share the connection link too with our family only. No one else in the pack. I feel like Han has made it is life mission right now to help me find my mate. He is always asking me to go out and meet and mingle with girls to see if any of them are the chosen one. 

I have been looking for my mate for years. I traveled all over and still never found her. I built this house to get away from the pack so I can have time to myself and come to terms of not being mated. Just maybe one day, my mate and I can live here together.  Never in a million years then I think she would literally walk up to my doorstep. 

She is very beautiful. Little tiny thing, that fits perfectly in my arms. She has long, black wavy hair. Beautiful figure with nice curves. I sit and watch her rest like a creep, but I cannot help it. I feel drawn to her. I want to hold her, bond with her. 

I wish we were bonded, she would be able to heal a lot faster if we were. I get up to take a shower and get settled for the night. I am contemplating if I should sleep in my room or the same room as her. 

"Sleep in the same room as her. Just in case something happens and she needs us." Jax says to me. I finish my shower and get dressed into some shorts. I grab a blanket and pillow and head to her room. She of course is still lying peacefully, getting the much needed rest. 

I lie down on the couch and doze off. I am awaken in the middle of the night due to whining. I look over and see my mate tossing and turning a little bit, not a lot but very subtle movements. "Stop it Mikey! Please stop. Just leave me alone and let me go!" I hear her whine out. that is his name. Well Mikey I will remember that and it will be you screaming out for help soon. 

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