Part 40

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Just as Shara finished cleaning the dishes, there was a knock on the hotel room door. Shara motioned for Sam to go answer the door. Dante was chilling in the back room. Shara said she wanted to talk to Joe first before Dante handled business. He didn't really like the idea of her being alone in a room with him, but he honored her request. 

Sam gets up and walks slowly to the door. As she reaches the door, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She says a quick little prayer to the Goddess and opens the door.  Standing there looking like Rico Sauve is Joe Cortez. 

She motions for him to enter the room and he does. He follows her into the living room and surprised to see Shara sitting on the couch. He quirks an eyebrow at her in confusion.  

Shara motions for him to sit down. 

Joe looks over at Sam but she is not looking at him. She is looking at Shara. He cautiously takes a seat on the loveseat across from Shara. 

She internally grimaces, I hope Dante cleaned that damn seat. 

Once Joe is settled, Shara speaks. " Joseph Cortez. Are you formally of the Wolverine Pack?" She noticed Joe jumps ever so slightly at the mention of the Wolverine Pack; confirming her suspicions. 

He just stares at her. She nods her head in understanding. "So you actually killed Mikey's mother.  You know he grew up thinking that his mother killed herself and then his father. Leaving him an orphan to be raised by his uncle. You know that shit scarred him for life. He ended up being a troubled man who ended up being  verbally, emotionally and physically abusive towards me. Almost beat me to death and plotted against his pack. Tried to build a little army to go against another pack to get me back. All because of his abandonment issues you caused. 

I was lost and confused and a shell of myself because Mikey made me that way. You are the reason behind that Joe. 

Now you come here to plot against my husband. You will pay for that too." 

Joe's eyes go wide at the mention of husband. "WWWHHAT?" he stutters out. He was not aware that Don Alpha had found his mate. He would have thought this through. He thought he would have been here by himself and would be able to get him drugged. 

He turns to Sam and glares at her. Shara snaps her fingers getting his attention again, " I know he is not your real son, but he thought you were his father. Your former pack raised him, his whole life he thought his mother was a murderer and she wasn't. 

Unfortunately, Mikey may never know of this information. I kind of wish he was still around so he  can kill you himself, but instead we will have the next best person to do so."

Before Joe can gather his words together, Sam came up behind up and clawed his throat. He instinctively grabs his throat, trying to stop the blood from pouring out. Sam stands over him with a smirk on her face. She spits at him, "that is the last time you put your hands on me, you fucking bastard!" she spat out with venom. 

She proudly watched as he bled out on the hotel floor. Dante comes walking into the room and stops immediately at the sight in front of him. "Oh come on!!!" he growls out. Shara stands up and walks up to him and gives him a hug. "Sorry my love. I thought it was best for Sam to do it. I know how much you wanted to get your hands dirty, but if there is ever a next time, it will be you." Shara stands on her tippy toes and pulls Dante down for a kiss. 

He wraps one arm around her waist and pulls her closer to him and pecks her lips again. "Sam, go to your father and let him know what transpired here. No harm will come to you or father. Be well and hopefully you find your true mate." Dante says.  Sam bows at the couple and quickly exists the hotel room. 

Shara stood staring at Joe's lifeless body. Not knowing how to feel. One hand she is thrilled his abusive pussy ass is dead, but on the other hand she kind of feels something. Not sure what it is she feels but she feels something knowing that Mikey was wrong and lied to his whole life. Wondering if things would have been different. 

Dante gets out his phone and calls a clean up crew to come clean up the mess. Shara wraps her arms around Dante and snuggles into him. He understands what she is thinking and feeling and just hold her tight. Letting her gather her thoughts and emotions. 

Shara doesn't want this to ruin the last few days of their trip, so brushes off everything. Looks at the man she loves and smiles up at him. He smiles down at her and pulls her close. "Let me run the jacuzzi for you beautiful. We can relax and enjoy the rest of the evening. No more interruptions." Dante pecks her lips and heads off to the bedroom. 

A knock comes to the door and Shara heads towards it to answer it. She looks through the peephole and sees the clean up grew. She lets them and they get straight to work cleaning up the mess; making it brand new. 

As soon as the clean up grew finishes and Shara sees them out, she hurries to the bedroom and straight towards the jacuzzi. She sees Dante already in there relaxing. She takes off his shirt and hops into the water with him. She nestles herself right next to him and sips from the glass of champagne Dante handed her. 

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