Part 47

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6 Weeks Ago

Dante goes to the dress shop to have a look around. He sees nothing suspicious at at all. It doesn't look like the shop owner has been back here either. He heads towards the back and sniffs the air - he can still smell Shara's scent back here. He sees the mirror that she fell into and little blood splatters. His blood starts to boil at the sight. Still upset that she was drugged and injured. 

Suddenly his ears pick up a sound. He smells her. The shop owner is back.

He turns around and is met with the sight of Alexandra. She stands there looking at him with a smirk. 

"If you want your beloved mate to live, I suggest you follow me.  Dr. Pimento is such a good doctor; isn't he?" 

Dante's eye twitch with anger and he lets out a low growl. His fist balled up and his fangs glaring at Alexandra. 

"Now if you want him to give her the antidote to the poison placed in her IV, don't do anything stupid. You will come with me."

Dante let out a sigh and gave her a nod. "Give her the antidote now. I want to see her get it and know that she is fine. If not, you will be dead in 1.2 seconds and you know that." Alexandra gave the tiniest gulp, but big enough and loud enough for Dante to hear. Just enough for him to know that she is not as tough as she says she is. 

Alexandra picks up her phone and video calls Dr. Pimento. "Give her the antidote and then let her go. Dante is coming with us." They watch as Dr. Pimento goes into Shara's hospital room. They see her sleeping peacefully in the bed. Dante's eyes twitch again at the sight of her. He watches with a held breath as Dr. Pimento administers the antidote. And then walks out of the room. 

Dante knows she is asleep but he links her anyways -- "I love you my queen. Stay safe. Wait for me. I'll come back to you. I will be standing there at the alter for you." 

Dante looks at Alexandra and leaves with her. 

He follows her out of the shop and into an awaiting vehicle. They sit in complete silence as they drive away from New York. Heading north to Canada. All the time, Dante picked up on Alexandra's mannerism. She is nervous and scared. She keeps playing with her fingers and  wiping her palms on her pants. She looks out the window, not making eye contact with him. 

During the ride, Dante's link and phone kept going off. He didn't answer any of it. He knew Shara was looking for him and was worried. He can feel it. He felt bad for leaving her like this, but he wanted to know who was behind all this bullshit. He was going to end it so she can live peacefully. 

He turned his phone off so he cannot be tracked. He also disconnected the ink with the pack. Even though the link was off, he can still feel Shara. He can feel her emotions and hear her thoughts. 

After six and a half hours, they arrived in Niagara Falls - Canada side. 

They pull up to a large pack house. Dante gets out of the car and looks around. Scouting the area. They are in the middle of the woods, trees for miles around. Even out here, amongst this foreign pack, Dante's presence is demanding and dominating. He stands tall and follows behind Alexandra. 

Women are gawking at him with hearts in their eyes. Guys are staring at him with admiration and envy in their eyes. Children are just smitten with him. 

They enter the pack house and straight towards the Alpha. Alpha Monroe introduces himself. He is a tall, fit man. Not as tall as Dante and not as fit and muscular but still looks good. He has long dreads and deep brown eyes. 

Alpha Monroe says in a baritone voice, "Welcome to the Cyclops Pack. I must extend my apologies for the troubles of bringing you here. But you see, you have to pay for the death of my daughter-in-laws sister. Although she and her twin didn't get along, she was still her sister. 

I am well aware of your capabilities Don Alpha. I know hand-to-hand combat is not going to win. I know you are very smart and calculating, so tricking you will not win either. The only way to win this is to keep you here. You will work for us. As long as you work for us, your precious Shara will be safe.  Try anything funny and she dies."

Dante looks at him with a death glare. His fangs glaring at Alpha Monroe. "Tsk, Tsk, Don Alpha. None of that." He says with a smirk. "See we stitched a kill switch inside of your queen. A special little chip in her abdomen. That with a press of this button here," he says holding up a trigger device, " that kill switch will be activated and venom will be spilled out inside of her. Killing her within five seconds. SO DON'T TRY ANYTHING FUCKING STUPID. YOU ARE OUR SLAVE NOW!!"  Alpha Monroe roared out. 

He looked at one of his soldiers and nodded at him. "Take him away. Show our guest where he will be staying." 

Dante was taking to a small cabin. They didn't lock him up in chains or keep guards on him. They knew he wouldn't try anything as long as they had that trigger. He would listen to whatever they say to keep Shara alive. 

So Dante plotted and waited. Waited until the time is right to get out of here and kill every last person in this pack. How dare they try to hold him hostage and threaten his wife. He will burn this whole fucking forest down, and he will do it with a smile on his face. 

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