Part 29

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On their way to the pack house, Dante received a message that the Phoenix pack have arrived in Sicily. "Hmmm, they are early." Shara said. "They should be here next week." Dante nodded in agreement. He thought it was a little weird that they are here already. 

He sent a quick message to one of his soldiers in the pack house. He asked them where Alessandra was, and they said she is out. She left about an hour ago saying she had to run errands. 

Dante told his brothers, and us girls to be on the lookout. Something is not right. Alessandra is not at the house, she left about an hour ago. The Phoenix pack is here early. He thinks she may be meeting with them. Alessandra doesn't know that the girls are with Dante right now. Everyone thinks Shara is just at work at the office. 

They were originally going to go back to the office and continue on with their day, but Dante wanted to go to the pack house after their wedding to announced that Shara was officially their Luna. 

He sent word to Akeem to let him know if anyone as in the Phoenix Pack or Alessandra shows up.  Akeem is aware of what is going on with Shara. Dante had explained everything to him and Shara's history so he knew what to be looking out for. 

They arrived at the pack house and Dante gathered everyone in the main hall. Of course everyone was there except Alessandra. Alessandra's little minions were present in the grand hall. Shara noticed them and leaned over to Dante and whispered to him, "those three right there are Alessandra's minions and spies. I have been watching them over the past month. They relay any information to Alessandra. If you announce me being Luna right now in front of them, they will surely tell Alessandra."  Dante nodded. 

He summoned the three girls and had them sent on an errand, something stupid like getting certain supplies from the neighboring city. It will take them about four hours to complete. As soon as they left, Dante announced Shara as their Luna officially. They were met with whoops, hollers and cheers. 

Shara smiled and greeted everyone. Thanking them for accepting her and promising to do what is best for the packs here and around the world. She went on to talk about her past that mostly everyone already knew about. She told them that the Phoenix pack was here and that the Storm pack will be coming too. She told them her game plan and opened the floor up for suggestions and ideas. This really pleased everyone, as this gave them their opportunity to be heard and show that this is really a family pack. 

Dante and his brothers sat back and watched with pride at how Shara was handling herself. She truly was a leader. She just needed to find the right one to help guide her. That someone was Dante. 

The meeting continued on for another thirty minutes. Everyone voicing their ideas and opinions.  In conclusion, they were going to go along with Shara's idea and meet with the packs and give them an opportunity to leave peacefully. She informed them that it was Alessandra who brought the other packs here to their territory. They were pissed and many voiced their two-cents about that. They didn't like Alessandra and thought she was trying too hard to be Luna when no one wanted her or liked her. They did not object to what Shara has plans for her and to use her as an example. 

As far as her minions goes, the pack wants to give them an opportunity to voice their side of everything. They know Alessandra is manipulative and could have blackmailed them into working for her. Shara agreed. She also stated that if they did this on their own free will, the pack can decide their punishment. 

The meeting was adjourned and everyone was just sitting around talking and eating. A mini-celebration for the newly wed. 

Meanwhile at the hotel near DeNiro Enterprises office building, Alessandra is meeting with Kwan, Han and Essie. 

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