Part 10

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Shara and Kwan slept peacefully the rest of the night. She finally woke up around 9:30am. The longest she ever slept in. She looks to her side and sees an empty, cold spot. She furrows her brows in confusion and pouts. I wanted to wake up in his arms. She thinks to herself. 

She gets up and does her morning routine. Once finished, she heads downstairs to see a crepe sitting on the counter for her. A crepe filled with chocolate mousse and strawberries, topped with whipped cream. She does a little dance to herself, excited to eat the food before her. She takes one bite and is instantly in heaven. She finishes her food and then cleans out her plate. 

She walks towards Kwan's office. She can hear muffled voices coming from behind the door. She knocks on the door and then enters the room once she got the okay to enter. 

Shara POV

I walk in and see Kwan sitting there talking to Han and another man whose back is to me. I recognize that figure anywhere, it is Mikey. 

I immediately freeze in my tracks. Unable to move another inch. I just stare at the back of his head with eyes wide open. 

"Come here my love." Still shocked from being in the same room as Mikey after two months, I couldn't move. "Baby, it's ok" Kwans deep, calming voice brings me back to reality. I nod at him and walk to him. 

I walk around his desk and stand next to his side. He immediately pulls me closer to him and sits me down on my lap. He places a kiss on my lips and then another one. And then another one then he deepens it making me moan into his mouth. 

He turns his head towards Mikey. I turn my head too and gasp at the sight of him. He is tied to the seat. His arms are bounded to the arm rests, his feet are tied up to the legs. He looks up at me with a scowl on his face. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. 

"Baby, look who came to visit us last night." Kwan says kissing me on my neck. I jumped slightly at this information, "last night?"

"Yep baby. We had an audience watching us on the back deck. He watched as you came all over my dick. He watched you take my dick like the good girl that you are." He said, kissing me on my neck and cheek.  I couldn't help but blush at his words. "Oh my goodness." I say shaking my head. 

"You fucking bitch!" I hear Mikey say. "You said you were waiting for marriage. Wouldn't even let me see you naked!! For 4 years, I waited for you to give it up but you wouldn't. Now after two months, you give it up to someone else!!!!" He spits out with venom. "You better pray to god, I don't get out of this chair. I will fucking kill you for this! That pussy is mine!" 

Hearing him call me his, made Kwan tense up. He gently pushed me off his lap. He stood up and walked around his desk. 

"Do you mind repeating that again? You said she is what now?" Kwan asks him tauntingly, leaning in closer so he can hear him correctly. "I said she is MIN...." before Mikey could finish saying mine, Kwan backhands him so hard that the chair flew across the room. 

"She is mine and no one else's. You will not be seeing her or anyone else anymore as a matter of fact. Baby what do you want me to do with him?"

"Rip his heart out. He doesn't need it. He is a heartless, cheating,  pussy who beats on women if they don't fuck his little dick." I calmly state. Deep inside though, I am freaking out. I have been with this guy for four years. Four years!! Yeah, he did me so wrong and I thought I was worthless and would never find love and someone who treats me right, but then I found Kwan. He is everything to me and the one true love of my life. I don't have to worry about Mikey anymore,  especially with Kwan around.

I watch in slow motion as Kwan walks over to Mikey and lifts him up and sits him back the right way. He tears open his shirt and gets ready to rip his heart out. The look of fear flashes across Mikey's face. "I am sorry. Sorry for everything. Please!! don't kill me!! I will leave and never come back. Shara will never see me again! I promise!!!" He pleads for his life. I stare at him unphased by his outburst and begging. 

Just as Kwan is about to cut his chest open with his clawed hand, I stop him. "Wait babe. Don't. Let him go. The one thing he truly wanted was me. You already have me - you were already my first everything. He can never have that and he has to live with knowing that. Besides, with you around, he can't hurt me anymore. Let him run back to his hoes."

I say coldly to Mikey, "don't ever come around here. If I see you anywhere on this property, I will let him kill you in a heartbeat. You are nothing to me but a distant memory. Go fuck yourself." I turn and walk out of the room. Leaving the men all to themselves. 

I head to the kitchen to grab some snacks and a drink. Then I head to the theater room, grab a blanket and put on something to watch. 

Kwan POV

"Today is your lucky day man. If it is wasn't for my girl, you will be dead right now. You stay away from her and my property. If I sense you anywhere around here, I will feed you to my dogs. Bro take a couple of guys and fuck him up like he did Shara. Then drop him off at the campground." I turn to walk away. I get to the door and stop, I turn to look at Mikey. The look of fear and shock evident on his face, "Remember what I said boy, if you want to live, keep away."

I turn and leave the room. As soon as I am out, I stop in the hallway and take a deep sniff of the air. I can smell Shara scent in the air. I follow it to the theater room. I see my girl, wrapped up in the blanket, lying on the couch munching on some chocolate Hello Panda Cookies. I walk over to her and lie down next to her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me. "You okay baby?" I ask her. "yep, I am okay. I hope I made the right decision. I truly want to believe that he will leave me alone."  "I know he will my queen, because if he doesn't, I will not hesitate to kill him."  She tilts her head and gives me a quick kiss then turns back toward the screen. 

After about five minutes, I hear soft snores coming from her. I smile down at her and pull the blanket up on her more. I clean up the  snacks and leave the screen running for her. I head out of the theater room and towards the kitchen. I want to cook her dinner tonight. I need to check the fridge for what ingredients I will need. 

I hear a knock on my door and head toward it. I open the door and in an instant, my happy mood is gone. 

"Hey Baby!! Miss me?"

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