Part 46

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Today is the day that Shara is walking down the aisle. Deep down inside, she hopes and prays that Dante is standing at the alter waiting for her. She could barely sleep at all last night. Every hour on the dot, she would wake up in a cold sweat. She found her shirt soaking wet from sweat and tears. 

In her opinion, she looked far from the blushing bride she should look like today. It was evident that she did not get a wink of sleep last night. She was clearly anxious and nervous. 

She threw up three times already and it is only 10am. She ate some toast and fruit since that is the only thing she can keep down. 

She is supposed to be getting ready at the hotel near the church with the girls. The plan is to get ready and then take a limo to the church. After the ceremony, there is a big reception at the same hotel Shara is getting ready at. 

She gets to the hotel and greets the girls. They all smile at her with warm smiles. They know Shara is extremely anxious and nervous today. 

Shara takes a deep breath and starts getting ready. Once she is finished getting ready she stands in front of the full length mirror looking at herself. She stares at herself, looking herself up and down. She smiles at how beautiful she looks. She looks up at the picture she taped to mirror of her and Dante when they were at Dubai. They took it right after he made love to her for the last time. 

"Feel me my love. Connect with me. Connect us. I love you so much and miss you. You has been extremely hard without you these past six weeks. I am sorry for putting you through so much stress my king. I need you, we need you. You are our rock babe. You are our king. I cannot continue on without you. I just can't. Please come back to me. Come back to us." She said as tears ran down her face. She grabbed the photo and kissed his image. "My mate and savior. I love you."

She wiped up her face and laughed at how she looked. She totally fucked up her makeup. She went to her chair to try and fix it up. 

There was a knock on the door and then it opened, revealing her girls. "OH MY GOD!! You look so my beautiful my queen!!" Tiffany exclaimed. They came over and gave Shara a hug. 

"You ladies look lovely yourself.  Ready?" Shara asked. They nodded and headed out of the room. 

They walked and made small talk until they were outside and hopping into the car. 

In the car, the girls popped open the bottle of champagne. Tiffany and Wendy made a toast. Shara just smiled at them. She was grateful for her sisters. They have truly been there for her in her time of need. 

They arrived at the church. Shara just sat in the car staring up at the big building. Her heart racing like quick fire in her chest. Her breathing starts picking up. It feels like the car is closing in on her wall. The walls of her lungs feel tighter and tighter. Oh no! she thought as breathing was becoming increasingly difficult to do. 

The girls quickly noticed the panicked look on Shara's face. Anxiety ripping through her like shards of glass. Cutting away every ounce of sanity left in her. "Breathe Shara. Slow deep breathes. Follow me -- -in - 1,2,3,4 - out 1,2,3,4. They repeated this for several minutes until Shara's breathing got under control. They gave her a bottled water and told her to take small sips. 

Once Shara was able to focus again, she nodded her head. "I can do this. I can do this. I am Mrs. Dante DeNiro. I can do this." She pepped herself up. The car door opened and Akeem was standing there to help her out. 

"You look beautiful Shara. Absolutely beautiful. Dante is lucky to have you." he kissed Shara's cheek and led her inside the church. 

The church was packed with members for their pack and some others. It was a full house. Shara prayed again. Hoping she will not look like a fool when the doors open. That no one will be there but the priest and all the sad, sorrowful, pitying looks people will give her. 

Everyone present knew that Shara was doing this. Knew that she was going on with the wedding in hopes that Dante will be there. She said she was willing to walk down the aisle and wait for him at the alter. 

She felt it in her bone that no matter what, if he was capable, he would make it to her. The only reason he wouldn't show up, would be because he couldn't. That he was physically unable to do so. 

This wedding was not only for her, but for everyone else too. Everyone has been on pins and needle, wanting to know if Dante was okay. Wanting to know if the Don Alpha was still around. 

Shara stood behind the door with her arm looped through Akeem's. They waited for the doors to open. 

Shara took a deep breath. Looked up at Akeem and nodded. He nodded back at her and let out a breath of his own. 

The doors open and they stepped out. Shara looked up at the alter and tears immediately began to rush out. 

Akeem reaches out and pats her hand that is wrapped around him. Shara just looks down and let the tears fall down her face. 

Akeem leans over and places a soft, brotherly kiss on her cheek and steps away from her. 

The whole church is silent except for the soft music playing for the bride's walk. Shara doesn't move an inch. She just looks down and cries. 

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