Part 27

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"Everyone out!" Dante's voice boomed out. Shara stood at the window in her office, staring out into the horizon. 

Dante comes up behind her and places his hands on her shoulders. "Baby you sure about this? This is what you want?"

Shara turns around and looks up at Dante.  "Yes Dante. I love you so much. I love the pack. I love my friends. You all have become my family. I don't want to leave. I don't have any doubts in my body. I know your thoughts Dante. I heard them before. You were unsure about my feelings and wanting to stay here. I know everything happened so fast between us and Kwan. That you thought I may still want to be with him." Dante let out a deep breath and had a solemn look on his face, he nodded his head. 

" I completely understand that. You have and had every right to question my loyalty - mate bond or not. You found me when I was running away from my past. Running away from yet another heartbreak. Yes, I wanted to move slow and make sure everything with us was good. Yes I still had that fear about you lying down with someone else or abusing me. But baby, that went away a long time ago. You gave me a new meaning to my life. I really do belong to you - 100%. There is no one else I want to be with. And I wish to stay by your side and be your queen and this pack's Luna." 

Dante smiled a great big blinding smile. "I love you mia regina (my queen)! I am so happy and relieved to hear you say that. I knew the moment I met you, you were to be mine. I just wanted to wait until you were 100% sure I was what you wanted and wouldn't reject me. Even though you let me mark you and we bonded, I still had a little fear that you would reject me. After everything you been through, I always had a little fear that you would reject love."

Dante gets down on one knee, "Sharalyn Deleon, will you please be mine forever and let me love you and protect you until the day I die?" He pulls out a beautiful specially made diamond ring. "Yes, Dante DeNiro. I will be your queen and Luna of your pack."

Dante quickly puts the ring on Shara's finger and spins her around. He kisses her deeply and she willingly kisses him back. Shara stares up at him, her beautiful fiancé. The love of her life - bond or not - she loves this man. He has given her a new life, new experiences, undying love and support. Nothing she has ever experienced before. 

The happiness she felt with Kwan was short lived. She thought he loved her and respected her, but he didn't. Mikey is just a pussy and doesn't deserve the time of day. Dante DeNiro is where she should be. 

"Dante" Shara asks, looking up at her fiancé. He looks down at her. " I meant what I said. Let them come. I don't want to run anymore. I don't want to hide. Those two can die. I don't want innocent bystanders to get hurt though. If it does come down to it, can we please make sure their pack members are taken care of?" Dante smiled. He already knew his love would want to make sure others are taken care of. 

"Of course baby. I do want to know what your thoughts are about Han. That is your friend's mate. He of course will side with his brother." Shara's eyes grew wide. She totally forgot about that and Essie. She has been so busy and caught up in her life here, that she hasn't reached out to Essie in a long as time. She hasn't even logged into social media. Come to think of it, she hasn't received any notifications from Essie. 

"Shit!!" She yelled out. She forgot that she muted notification from social media that day at the spa and never turned it back on. Because she wasn't receiving the notifications, she totally forgot to check on what has been going on with Essie and the manhunt for her. 

Shara quickly pulled out her phone and went to social media and turned on her notifications. She saw tons of posts and comments that Essie had left over the past few months. How could she possibly forget about her best friend and the man-hunt they were doing for her?

Just then a ding went off and Essie was live. She seemed to be upset in her live video. "So I have been traveling up and down and across the United States. It was fun while it lasted. We are off to Italy now!!!" She said with an attitude. 

Shara quickly commented with "???" on the post. Essie looked at it and rolled her eyes. She quickly typed back a private message:

           I have been traveling and checking my comments for months for any sign that my followers were still with me. Come to find out that some of my followers are out living their life, their best life. Didn't have the common decency to reach out and like my posts or anything. Not true followers in my opinion. So yes, I have the right to be upset. I, as in we, will all be traveling to Italy in the next week. We have a lot to prepare because apparently, we are not the only ones traveling to Italy. This is going to be a riot!!

Shara stared at the screen. She couldn't even say anything. She knew Essie had every right to be upset with her. She totally ghosted her best friend who has been worrying about her. Now come to find out, that Mikey and Kwan are both coming to Italy within a week or so and either side is prepared to fight it out over her. She remembered what she was told, that Alessandra didn't mention Dante at all. This can be used to her advantage. 

She turns around and faces Dante, "Babe they are both coming within a week or so they will both be in Italy. I know they are willing to fight it out against each other. What are your thoughts?  I believe they have to have your permission to step foot in your territory right? So that means, they both have to reach out to you and speak with you. 

I say when they get here, let them come and meet you. Somewhere away from the pack house. I will be there with you. I will announce that they are in my territory now and they have no permission to be here. If they leave now and do not return, no harm will come to them or their pack. If they do not wish to leave, then it is on them what happens next. What do you think?"

Dante looks up at Shara and smiles, "Your territory, uh?" Shara just looks at him and rolls her eyes. Of course that will be the only thing he has an opinion on. She walks up to Dante and wraps her arms around him, "Is it not my territory too, Alpha?"

"It is Luna." Dante says, leaning down to kiss Shara. "Your idea is fine. We can try it your way. If they say anything out of line, I will not hesitate to decapitate them right there. Jupiter has been itching to come out and play." 

"Deal, my love. I will not stand in your way. Although I would like for no bloodshed to happen, I do understand the rules." Shara agrees. "Now feed me. I am hungry and tired." Dante smiles down at Shara and nods his head. 

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