Part 15

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Sharalyn cleans up food wrappers and trash. Then she goes to her duffle bag and takes out some clothes to wear tonight and then toiletries. She heads the shower and takes a quick shower to wash the day away. Once she finished and completed her night routine, she hops right into bed. 

Thoughts of her day flood through her mind, making her cringe. She has never felt so alone, so unwanted and unappreciated before. Two guys that she thought was going to protect her and love her, did not. Maybe it is her? Maybe she is just an unwanted, unlovable person. A lonely tear left her eye. 

She hears a ding on her phone and reaches over to grab it. She sees a text message from Dante. Of course it is from Dante. She got the phone and no one else has her number. 

Message: Good night beautiful. Please have sweet dreams tonight. Do not think about those ragazzi stupidi (stupid boys). They don't know a good thing when they see it. You are precious and a blessing. You are not alone and unwanted. I am here for you, and I want you. Wait for me in the morning my love. I will be there for you. I will whisk you away from all the bullshit. Think of me ;-) Dante

A big smile brushes crosses Shara's face. She tells him good and sweet dreams. She will wait for him in the morning. Although the original plan was to head out first thing in the morning so Mikey or Kwan couldn't catch up to her. She knows Kwan can track his car and is probably already on his way down here. Forty-five minutes away is not that far so it won't take him too long to track her down. 

Deciding not to worry about him or Mikey. They don't deserve to consume her thoughts, she focuses on Dante. Her knight in shining armor, her savior.

She found out that he is the alpha of alphas. He is the strongest, most feared Alpha out there. He is from Italy and runs his empires from Italy. He has hotels, restaurants, resorts, construction companies, investment companies all over the world. He and his pack - The Zeus Pack - are the largest and strongest pack in the world. He has sub-packs that work under him. Low and behold, The Wolverine Pack, The Storm Pack and the Phoenix Pack are all under him. Their Alpha's report to him. 

He usually doesn't get involved with pack rivalries. He lets them work it out or fight it out on their own. As long as they don't cross the line and hurt innocents or mess with his bottom line, he don't care. Once packs start messing with his money, then he gets involved. She knows he is her mate and he knows that she is his. They both felt it and the looks of longing towards each other was always there. 

The mate bond pull feels stronger towards Dante than it did with Kwan. Somehow she feels that she is supposed to be with Dante rather than Kwan. He just saw her first. Apparently, according to Dante. Everyone is assigned three mates. This gives people a chance to sort of choose for themselves if they want to be together. Destiny has paired everyone with three people. Out of those three, people have the option to choose which one. If all three are rejected, then that person will remain without a mate for the rest of their life. 

Dante has already  rejected two of the previous mates. He said they just wanted status and his money. They didn't really care about him. They would have made good wives because they were very submissive and did whatever he said. They had no opinions about anything. They just agreed and went with it. They felt if they did whatever he said and didn't argue, they can get access to him money and boss people around. He didn't want that. He wanted someone who loved him for him. Truly cared about him and not money and status. Someone who was his equal. 

He felt that in Sharalyn. Never once did she inquire about the mate bond. Never once did he see that greed look in her eyes when he talked about his status and businesses. She didn't seem to care about his wealth. She truly was fascinated to learn about him and what he does. The businesses he runs. Hell, she even asked him for a job. She went to college for business and administration. She even said she will be an assistant, entry level assistant for one of his companies if he had an opening. 

This tugged at his heart strings. It made him feel good inside and show what kind of person she is. Then jealous at the thought of her working with some other guy. He getting to be around her and seeing her. Laughing and talking with her daily. He didn't like that. He wanted her to himself. 

She found out that his wolf is named Jupiter. He is like the largest wolf out there, all jet black with piercing blue eyes. His growl can be heard miles away. She had asked to meet him. Jupiter was way too excited to hear this. He quickly took over and turned half-way. Not full blown wolf. He didn't want to scare her by his massive size. She smiled and looked into his blue eyes, then requested to see the full wolf. Jupiter hesitated but ultimately agreed and switched to the full wolf. 

This wolf towered over Shara's five foot frame. This wolf came to almost six foot tall standing on all four. If he stood on two legs, he had to be way over seven feet tall. No wonder he is the alpha of alphas. You can see the power and strength coming out his pores. She smiled at Jupiter and petted him. A soft growl came from him. She immediately clenched her thighs at this. He quickly changed back to human form and started getting dress. Shara tried hard not to look, but she had to. And boy oh boy!!! She thought Kwan was big. This kind was huge! Like seriously mid-thigh length, six finger girth probably. Her eyes bulged. She was lost in a trance. She couldn't stop staring. 

Dante being a jerk, decides to make it wink at her and she gasped. Looked away embarrassed. He just laughed, like really laughed. He hasn't laughed that hard in years. It felt good to have a reason to laugh. He knew she was definitely the one and she knew he was definitely the one. 

They talked a little while longer, but then it was time to go. She was getting tired and so was he. So here is Sharalyn now, lying in bed with a smile on her face after reading his text message. Hoping she makes the right decision by waiting for him in the morning. She closes her eyes and falls asleep, wishing morning would come sooner than later. 

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