Part 4

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Sharalyn's POV

I can feel the sun rays beaming down on my face. I turn my head to the side and stretch my arms out. I realize that I am in a bed; a very soft comfortable bed. I try to sit up and pain suddenly radiates all over me. I look down and see my ribs are bandaged up. Thoughts of the other night and Mikey's attack on me come flooding my brain. "Oh God!! I got away." I say to myself. I did it!! I really did it. 

Then I remember I saw the biggest dog in the world growling at me and then I fainted. I remember being shocked more than afraid of it. Its beautiful grey eyes were like a swirling storm that had mesmerized. 

I hear the door knob turn and I look over and see a gorgeous Greek God walk in. He is holding a tray of food with him. He has the sides of his head shaved and the top full. Brownish black hair and beautiful dark eyes, almost black color. He looks of Asian decent - East Asian to be exact. I can see tattoos all over his arms, a full sleeve of it on both arms. I can tell his toned and fit. 

He must have noticed me checking him out, because he chuckles. I gasp and turn my head. "Good morning beautiful. I brought you some food. I wasn't sure what you wanted to drink, but here is some water, sweet tea, lemonade, and orange juice." He chuckles nervously. How cute I thought. 

"Um, thank you" I croak out. My voice sounding harsh and abrasive like I smoke 10 packs a day. I clear my throat.  He hands me the water and I gladly accept it. He always hands me some pain killers, I look at him and he just raises his eyebrow at me. I take the pills and shove them in my mouth. "Good girl" he says. I blush at this. 

"My name is Kwan. Kwan Jeon. This is my house. You have been knocked out for 3 days. You had a concussion that is going away, your ribs are healing so you need to limit your movements. If you need anything please let me know."

"Uhm, my name is Sharalyn Deleon. Thank you for helping me and allowing me to stay in your house. I will be out as soon as I can." His jaw clenched when I said this. I see him shake his head, "take all the time you need babygirl. No rush at all. I need you 100% okay?" 

I nod my head. Ignoring the little butterflies that wanted to jump around at the sound of being called babygirl by this gorgeous specimen of a man. 

I finished eating my food and he grabbed the tray from me. I will be back shortly. Here is the remote, so you watch tv. "Thank you Kwan" I said to his retreating backside. I noticed the muscle tensed a little when I said his name. 

I laid back and watched tv until I dozed off again. Around lunch time, Kwan came back into the room with lunch. It was chicken noodle soup, some bread, and some jello. I smiled when I saw the food. 

"You have a beautiful smile" I heard. I looked away embarrassed. He chuckled and then sat down in the coach in the room. 

"So Kwan, tell me about yourself." I started off making small talk. Well, you wandered onto my property a few nights ago and right to my house."  I looked down embarrassed. 

"Hey" he says standing up walking over to me. He cups my face and turns my head towards him. I look into his beautiful dark eyes, he doesn't break eye contact at all. "I promise you, there is nothing to be ashamed of. That Mikey guy will never bother you again. He will pay for laying a finger on what's mine. Uh I mean, you." He corrects himself. 

I felt sparks run through my body as him hand caresses my face. "How is this possible? This can't be." I gasped and mumbled to myself. 

I stare at him wide eyed, "mate" I whisper to myself. "Yes babygirl" he whispers back, staring into my soul. 

I pull away from him and I can see the flash of confusion and sadness go across his face. I shake my head, "no way. I - I - I'm human." I say more to myself. 

"He sits down next to me and cups my face. "It is possible baby girl. Humans and werewolves can be mated together. My brother is mated with a human. She was scared and nervous at first, but she felt that mate pull and couldn't help it. She accepted her fate and now she is the beta's wife. I noticed that you don't seem as shocked by all of this information about werewolves and mates. Why is that?"

"Oh well, back in high school I had a best friend that we were close and shared everything with each other. Well we just graduated high school and she told me about this guy she met. She was head over heels for him and she told me about him being a werewolf and the whole mate thing. I didn't believe her at first but she showed me where he marked her. 

After that, she had to move away because she joined him with his pack. I went off to college and met Mikey. Mikey was great at first but then he changed and started getting abusive and cheating on me. He would always say he was sorry and just frustrated; especially sexually. He was um mad that I wouldn't have sex with him." I said shyly and looked away. 

Kwan puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head up, "So are you telling me that he never got  a taste of your sweetness?" I blushed profusely at this. Oh god, this man is going to get me into trouble. I shook my head no, "no one has" I whispered out. 

I see Kwan bite his lower lip at me in approval. "Good. I don't like people touching what is mine" he says in a low deep voice with a little growl. I look up at him. "Is that your wolf?"

"Uh yeah, his name is Jax. He has been going crazy since we found you. He wants you to meet him, but doesn't want you to be scared." I just nod my head ok. 

Kwan stands up and shifts right in front of me. He first shifts to his half human-wolf state which is just basically his fangs come out, his ears turn pointed, his hands grew larger and his muscles grew bigger. Apparently he can control how much of himself turns into a wolf. I smile at him and he continues to shift all the way to a full wolf.  I am met with the most beautiful, massive wolf with jet black hair and piercing grey eyes. Eyes that I remember seeing a few nights ago. I sit up in the bed as Jax walks over to me. He stares at me and then bows his head. He nuzzles up to me and places his head in my neck. He lets out a soft growl as I rub his head. "Hello Jax. I am sorry I am only human and don't have a wolf for you." I say softly. He nudges me and growls out louder - obviously in disapproval of what I just say.

I smile softly and lay back in the bed. My body feeling drained and weak. I let out a soft breath and allow myself to start drifting off. 

Before my eyes close fully, I see Kwan shift back to his human form and oh my goodness, this man is blessed. Like way too blessed. I don't see how I can mate with that. My privates hurt just thinking about it. I subconsciously squeeze my thighs at the thought of him making love to me. 

Him being him, he can easily sense my arousal and read my body language. 

I feel him walk up to me and place a kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry babygirl, I will be gentle" I hear him whisper. A ghost of a smile appears on my face before I succumb to sleep. 

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