Part 31

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Akeem has been reporting back to Dante what has been going on with Alessandra. He now knows that both Mikey and Kwan are on his land. That Alessandra has been seen meeting with both of them. He has kept Shara in the loop so she is also aware. 

It is now a Monday at both Shara and Dante are at work. Shara gets a call on her work phone stating she has a visitor. She didn't know who would be visiting her, but she said ok to send her up. 

A knock bangs out on Shara's door. "Come in." she states. Shara's eyes bulge open wide when she sees who walks through the door. "Essie!! Oh my goodness! You are here!!" she says excitedly as she stands up to give her a hug. 

Essie just scoffs at her and walks right into the office and ignores her. "So this is what you have been doing for the past few months that I haven't heard from you. You are out here in Italy living your good life, hanging with new friends, new job, private office with a window." She turns to glare at Shara. 

Shara stares back at. She gets that Essie has a right to be upset, but coming up in her office, in her space with an attitude like that; talking down to here like she doesn't deserve to be happy. "Yes, Essie. I have been living my life. Getting my life back on track. Doing something better for myself and being happy. There is nothing wrong with that." Shara says with the same attitude that Essie gave her. 

"Well nice of you to include me. Seems like you forgot us. Just forgot about me. I am over her trotting all over North America looking for your bitch ass and you couldn't give me the common decency to reach out and let me know you are okay. Busy chillin over here, while I am trying to keep Kwan and Mikey away!!!" Essie yelled out to Shara. 

"First of all- you need to take it down a notch. This is a place of business. I work here. Don't come up in here with your attitude. You have a right to be upset, I should have kept in touch but I didn't. There is no excuse for that. I have been busy doing me for once and you know what, I fucking love it. I am happy, not worried about getting beat up or cheat on. I have a job, money, friends, happiness. And you nor anyone else is going to come up in here and make me feel guilty about that. 

You were my friend since forever and I love you, but you will not disrespect me or try to bring me down from my happiness. I know Kwan and Mikey are both in town. You need to leave now with the Phoenix pack and don't come back. I don't want a war to break out, it is not worth it. Everyone should just move on and live their lives....including you. It was nice reuniting with you, but you have your life with Han and the Phoenix pack. I do not. I will not go back to Kwan. I will not go back to Mikey. You can let them both know that. They can go fuck themselves. 

Now if you please, I have work  to do. You can see yourself out. Also, Essie. Take care of yourself and Han. Do as I ask please, and leave. If Kwan doesn't want to leave, then you and Han leave this place." Shara says in a serious tone to Essie. "Please." 

Essie looks at her and nods her in head in understanding. "Goodbye Shara. It was good reuniting with you and seeing you. I am glad that you are happy and truly found yourself here. You do deserve all the happiness in the world. I know Kwan and Mikey will not leave without it. They are willing and preparing to go to war with each other over you. I will try to convince Han to leave with me. This feud is not what is best for their packs and they cannot see it." She walks over to Shara and gives her a hug. "Take care of yourself babygirl." 

Essie turns and leaves out of the office. "This is probably the last time I will see Essie. Hopefully after all this is over, me and her can still be friends. I know it is a slim chance if her brother-in-law and alpha gets killed or banished, but there is still a chance. Right?" Shara asks turning around to face Dante who had came into her office through their attached door. He nods his head as he wraps Shara in his arms and gives her a kiss on her forehead. "I am not sure baby. I hope it works out for you guys." Shara could hear the doubt in Dante's voice. She is not surprised because she doesn't believe it will work out either. If push comes to shove, she is siding with her pack and Han. Just like Shara would side with her pack and Dante. 

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