47 ☠️

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Though the guys already went down the stairs, back into the actual safe room, I stayed seated for a while longer. It was nice to finally get some time alone. It was one of the things I'd do back at home whenever there was a thunderstorm outside, at least when I actually was allowed in my room. Lay comfortably under the blankets, and simply listen and look. While for some it may have been a scary experience, it was one of the very few things that was able to calm me down. Probably thanks to the story mom used to tell me.


"You know, my little Y/N? Once upon a time, thunder and lightning were actually to help us out. Mister thunder would wake us up in the morning, and miss lightning would brighten our path when it was dark. They always helped out whenever they saw someone was in need of help, and were really kind. But one day, there was a very mean man, who didn't like either of them. He liked the dark, and he liked when things were quiet. And so, he shouted some really mean words at them. Mister thunder and miss lightning got so upset with him, that they would not do their duty anymore. They would only come by sometimes when they missed their human friends too much. So when you see them, be sure to look and listen, and say hello!"


She made up stories for all natural things you could get scared for, just so I wouldn't be. A small smile appeared just by thinking about her as I looked down to the ground. It was all made out of concrete, so there wasn't much to look at, but my imagination giving me back my memories of her was more than enough, better than any scenery I could imagine. My gaze shifted up, slowly hearing the storm move away again. If it hadn't been for Seungmin's quick thinking, we wouldn't have gotten out of there. The smile I had on earlier slowly faded. I still didn't really know how to approach him again after the first storm. It wasn't that I didn't want to, I still wanted to thank him after all, but the scariest thing was that I had no idea what was going on in his mind. Did he still think we were close? Or did I screw that up?

The door opened slowly, quickly making me glance towards it. Speaking of the devil. "You feeling okay?" Seungmin asked, climbing up the stairs again. I was about to get up, but Seungmin motioned me to sit back down, doing the same next to me. "Yeah," I answered hesitantly. Physically I still wasn't there yet, but I'd probably get over that. Mentally however, I wasn't too sure about. That man out there probably wasn't alive anymore, was he? The sweet and kind images I had in my mind of my mother were slowly starting to be replaced by those of her lifeless, bloody corpse. Would he look like that too, out there?

"How about you?" I diverted the attention back to him. He seemed quite beaten up. His skin looked pretty pale, his breathing heavy, and the sweat still rolling down his forehead. Whatever lie was about to come out of his mouth, I already knew better. "I'm fine, don't worry," he answered. Just like I thought. "Just need a nap," he chuckled, his head slowly leaning further to the right until it hit my shoulder. His eyes closed, while my shoulders tensed up. I tried to focus on my breathing, hoping to calm myself down. I followed his lead, closing my eyes too, feeling my chest rise and fall, while the tension in my shoulders eased up bit by bit with every breath. I took one more deep breath, holding it in as I rested my head on his.

My eyes shot back open, my head however not moving not to alarm him. Were there any cameras here? Wires? I carefully tilted my head a little, trying to scan for any. "Don't worry, there are none," Seungmin already answered my question for me. I didn't know whether to be relieved, or even more tensed up as he somehow seemed to have read my mind. Still, I eased up again, closing my eyes again. "First thing I checked before coming up," he explained. I wanted to talk to you without anyone listening or watching. They only put those in the actual safe room." I let out a chuckle. "Guess the budget for this entire thing wasn't unlimited after all." I could hear Seungmin laugh softly, automatically making the corners of my mouth raise. Thank goodness things didn't feel as awkward as I thought they might.

"Did you mean what you said before we got hit by the storm?" That was too direct. Way too direct. I knew it was gonna come, but he really got straight to the point right away. "I did," I answered him shortly at first, trying to think of what to say further. "When everyone else was asleep two nights ago, we both were awake, looking up at the comments. Most of them were urging us to do whatever, offering money for it, and I guess we both just got the same idea. It felt awful at first though, but I'm just glad we both agreed to fake it for the camera." I let out a sarcastic chuckle, thinking back about my words. "Though after hearing out Changbin, I'm not even sure if he is. And we only started... whatever it is. It's definitely too soon to develop any feelings, right?"

Seungmin stayed quiet, not even giving me a hum. "You think he likes you?" I sighed, lifting my head up again, only to lean back at the wall, lifting my eyes up. "I don't even know. Changbin surely seems to think so, but I honestly don't even know. I'm too focused on surviving out here to really think about anything else right now. Plus, we only just met. Can you even really fall for someone in such a short amount of time?" I paused for a second. "I think he might just like the idea of a relationship, or the idea of someone caring for him or something. But actual feelings? I just can't see it in such a short amount of time." I glanced down at him, still seeing him quietly lay there.

"I don't think time should be a factor here," he finally answered. "Falling in love can happen in a split second, you know? If the feeling is there, you can't change it. You can't choose to fall for someone after all, whether you like it or not, weird conditions or not. Maybe you just made him feel like no one else could before..."

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