y/n pov

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I was sleeping peacefully as I slept late at night but suddenly I felt cold water on my face I gasped and wake up as I know it was not other than my aunt who spill cold water on my face early in the morning.

" wake up you Bitch how much you want to sleep huh. Get up and made me breakfast I am hungry " Y/n aunt said to y/n.

I woke up as I already was so tired because of sleeping late at night as I have to do all household work and also my college work. Thinking about difficulties of my life which I am facing now I got up hurriedly as I know if don't get up fast I will got scolding from my aunt so i get up fast did my morning routine and take quick shower and went down in kitchen to make breakfast.

As I have done all my household work I was getting ready to go to college so i got ready and was about to go when my aunt stopped me and asked me about my part time job.

" I have told you to find a part time job did you find that or not" My aunt asked me angrily.

"No aunt I have not found yet I will find it soon " I said.

"I have already given you so much time if you didn't get a job today then don't come back home "my aunt said ready to kick me out of the house.

"Why are you shouting early in the morning. What happened " My uncle said coming from his room.

"Nothing uncle aunt was just telling me to get a part time job. "I said

My uncle is so good to me all the time till now. He always support me and save me from my aunt scoldings and beatings. He always give me so much love as he love his own daughter.

"Why do you need a job. No need to find any job you are still a college student. You need to focus on your studies. " Uncle said to me and aunt.

But my aunt didn't stop and again told me to get a job and he also stop uncle to support me as she said we can't afford so much as they have their own daughter also and she is right also .

"Uncle aunt don't I will find a job today. "I said them as I can see my aunt getting more angrier than earlier.

"You better do otherwise no need to come back." My aunt said to me.

After that I started to walk towards my university while thinking about my life as it would be if my parents was alive. I don't have to face this much problems. And thinking about them a tear escaped from my eyes. But i am grateful to my aunt and uncle who took me to their house atleast i have house to live in.

Thinking about these things finally I reach to bus stop and and get into bus and reach my university. This is the best university in busan as I got 100% scholarship here.

Then I take my classes and now I am going to find a job after roaming around after 2 hours I finally went to cafe who needs part time worker for their cafe. I went in and saw a lady at the counter I talked her about the job and finally she give me that job.

And she told me to join cafe from tomorrow so now I am heading back to my home. As I was walking on the road I saw an lady crossing the road then I see around the opposite side from where a truck was coming in fast speed and breaking the traffic rule.

Then I see towards the  lady who doesn't know anything about that and crossing the road at first I didn't get what I should then I quickly got there I run as fast as I can run and push the lady from there as we both fell on the road.

After getting up I see that the lady is unconscious as she hit her head on the rock and now she is bleeding from her head I got so panick at that time as I don't able to thik what I should do then I quickly held the lady and take her to the nearby hospital.

After reaching the hospital I asked for doctors and they took the lady inside the room and treat her. I was waiting outside the room as I got so scared what will happen I was walking back and forth outside the room then suddenly the room door open reveling doctor and nurse.

I asked the doctor what happened to the lady is she okay or not how is she and many more. Then doctor calm me down and said that she is okay and now you can meet her and the wound was not much deep.

After listening to doctor I sigh in relief and went inside the room seeing the lady is sleeping I sat on the stool nearby waiting for the lady to get her consciousness.

After some time the lady started to open her eyes I help her to sit and give her some water then she look at me and smile.

"You are the girl that saved me before right" The aunt asked.

"I nodded and said yes aunty I saved you. How are you feeling now should I call the doctor ".I said

The lady smile and said I am alright dear and thank you for saving me.

I smiled and asked her that should I inform her family about this.

She nodded and give me her son number then I told her son about everything and told him to come to hospital as soon as possible.

After that I talked to the aunt about some random things I feel so good to talk to her it feels like I am talking to my own mother.

"You are so beautiful dear. What is your name baby? " She asked

" Thank you aunt and my name is y/n." I said and she smiled

After sometime doctor came and check on the aunt again.

Hello guys this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I hope you all will like it and ignore the mistakes as english is not my first language.

Please like and support me.
Thank you guys. I hope you like it. 🙂

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