chapter 16

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Y/n was so into her thoughts that she didn't check the time which was now nearly the dinner time so she get up from her bed and went to the washroom to wash her face which was all mess due to crying so much her eyes puffy, nose red so after washing her face she went downstairs and then to kitchen where she saw mrs jeon making dinner.

"Oh baby you came did you had good rest " Mrs jeon asked her when she saw y/n coming in the kitchen.

"Yes aunty i had good rest " She replied and then mrs jeon looked at her face which clearly seems that she had cried so mrs jeon quickly stopped cooking and cupped her face and asked her.

"What happened y/niee did you cried " Mrs jeon asked with worry in her tone as she caressed her cheeks softly.

"N-no a-aunt it's just because of s-sleeping " She lied to her because she don't want to worry her but she doesn't know that she didn't know how to lie.

"Ohh baby you don't also know how to lie don't stress yourself y/niee is it because of the thing we told in afternoon y/n if you are not comfortable with this marriage thing you can deny us we are like your family baby and i am sorry for asking you that so sudden. " Mrs jeon said to y/n feeling guilty.

"No no aunt please dont say sorry to me it's not because you I know you and uncle only want good for me it's just I remembered about what happened today so i miss my parents so i got little emotional and other than that i have something to tell you and uncle " Y/n said to Mrs jeon

"Ohh dear don't think about those things now that were in the past now you are completely safe okay and next time when you miss your parents came to me and your uncle think of us as your parents don't you like being our daughter " Mrs jeon said to y/n pouting a little seeing  which y/n laughed

"No aunt you and uncle are very  good I would love to be your daughter and thank you aunt for everything " Y/n said and Mrs jeon hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Let me help you in the cooking aunt " Y/n asked and Mrs jeon nodded and they starts cooking then .

Y/n and mrs jeon were cooking for the dinner when jungkook came from office mrs jeon go to him with a glass of water.

"Oh baby you came how's your day " Mrs jeon asked her jungkook who is looking so tired.

"It was good mom but little bit tired " Jungkook said to her mom.

"Okay you go to your room and freshen up I will call you when the dinner will be ready " Mrs jeon said to jungkook who nodded and went upstairs and Mrs jeon again went in the kitchen and soon the dinner was ready.

"Y/niee dinner is ready I will set the table till then can you please call jungkook for dinner " Mrs jeon said to y/n who has her eyes wide open now.

"Me? " Y/n asked pointing towards herself still in shock that how can she go to his .

"Yes dear please his room is upstairs last second room in the corridor " Mrs jeon said to her and she nodded and made her way upstairs.

Y/n pov

I am now going upstairs to call jungkook fir dinner as aunt told me to do so but i am feeling very nervous to face I don't why maybe because of the marriage thing I still wonder will he agree to marry a girl like me? Maybe he already has someone in his life? What if he don't like me? And why should he even like me there are so many beautiful girls who want to marry him and they are also very rich? I was so into thoughts that i dont know now I was standing in front of his room.with getting out of my thoughts and taking deep breaths I knocked on his door and after some seconds the door opened.

"H-Hello " I said to him I feel so nervous in front of him.

"Yes y/n " He said to me in his usual tone and blank face I wonder did he ever smile in his life oh maybe he doesn't know the word like smile exists in this life.

"Aunt call you for dinner " I said to him and he said okay I am coming and then I came downstairs uncle was already there now.

"Hello uncle " I greeted him once I was near him he saw me and hug me with a sweet smile on his face. And till then jungkook also came there he also greeted his parents and we all settled on the table.

While having dinner uncle and jungkook were talking about some business stuffs aunt listening to them and me totally not understanding anything eating my food peacefully until aunt spoke.

"Ahh y/niee you wanted to tell something to me and your uncle your uncle is also here now you can tell us " Aunt told me and i chocked on my food and started coughing hard while aunt immediately came to me with a glass of water and patting my back I relaxed a bit.

"Are you dear " Uncle asked me and i nodded in response while thinking about how will i tell them that i am ready to marry jungkook in front of him I saw him and he was already looking at me for a minute our eyes locked and it was like some sparkles began to spark in my whole body but he broke the contact and i also looked down.

"I-i was talking about.... Umm s-some.. thing " I was cutted by uncle.

"It's ok y/niee if you want you can tell us after dinner " Uncle said and i felt relived and i nodded to him saying thank you.

After that we all had already finished our dinner and now me and aunt are in the kitchen and Jungkook and uncle were in the living room discussing something. Soon me and aunt were finished with work and went to living room where uncle and jungkook were sitting.

"Ok so eomma appa i am going to my room i have some work to complete plus I have an important meeting tomorrow "jungkook said as he get up and went to uncle and hug him and same with aunt he hug her also.

"And goodnight eomma appa " Jungkook greeted them as they greet him back.

"Goodnight baby/dear " Uncle and aunt say with a huge smile on their faces and how much love they hold for their son clearly shown in their eyes.

"Goodnight to you too y/n " Jungkook said to me with his famous straight face.

"Goodnight " I also greeted him and he nodded and went to his room.

"Soo y/n baby yo wanted to talk about something if your comfortable now you can tell us " Uncle asked me with a smile on his face.

"Yes y/niee you can share anything with us remember we are now your family " Aunt said to me with a reassuring smile.

"Yes aunt uncle I just wanted to talk about the thing you both told me in afternoon " I said looking down.

"Ohh about marriage I am sorry baby if we made you uncomfortable " Uncle said to me.

"No no uncle it's not like that i -i.. Just wanting to s-say that i a-agree to m-marry jungkook " I said to them looking down but i got no response so i looked up and they were staring at me shocked.

"Y/niee baby are you sure I have already told you if you are not fine you can say no " Aunt said to me while uncle nodded with her in approval.

"No aunt uncle I agree to it all with my heart and i trust you both that you will always take good decision for me and perhaps I have to marry one day so why not now " I said to them as they both come to me and hugged me.

"Ohh y/niee thank you so much jungkook will take good care of you and i am so happy for you both " Aunt said as she smiled and i blushed with the name of marry jungkook.

"So let's celebrate tomorrow for the big news " Aunt said as she stand up taking his husband to also stand up doing little dance and i smiled looking at both of them.




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