chapter 40

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It's the next day everyone were off to their work. Boys along with yuri, soha and madi to company and y/n to uni. And Mr and Mrs jeon were at home only spending their time with each other and taking rest. That's when Mr jeon phone started ringing. He picked up the call seeing Jay calling him.


"Hello...... Jay how are you buddy " Mr jeon said smiling brightly seeing his buddy called him.

"Hello hyung.... I am good what about you and noona " Jay said from other side with same excited tone.

"We are also good buddy...... And how's naree and nabi " Mr jeon asked.

"Oh they are good hyung...... And yes I called you to inform that we are coming for dinner tonight " Jay said making Mr jeon to smile widely.

"Really... That's awesome buddy we will be waiting for you all " Mr jeon said and Jay smile at him.

"Ok hyung... I will hang up now and meet at dinner tonight bye " Jay said and cut the call after getting response from Mr jeon 'ok will meet tonight' .

Mr jeon told this to mrs jeon who get so much happy and excited that she started jumping and Mr jeon chuckled at her.

"Honey we are getting old now..... And i feel really happy that in this time of our phase I get my buddy back.... Even though I lost my two precious friends but still I have one... I have literally lost hope that we will be able to live like before.... But see we are going to be like before.. I am so happy " Mr jeon said with little teary eyes remembering their old days with his friends. Mrs jeon smile at him and sat beside him.

"I know darling those days were so precious to us.... Even though we lost many precious and important people of our life but now that you got your friend back live the moment with him as much as you can..... These are our golden days darling and what else we need in our life.... We have such smart and intelligent sons.... We have sweet and innocent daughters and now you get your friend.... Make memories with him like you used to do before " Mrs jeon said and hug Mr jeon who nodded with a smile in his face.

"Yes you are right..... Our three sons are settled in their life... I hope those four also soon get settle then our family will be complete " Mr jeon said referring jin, Rm, jimin and suga.

"Yess.... But count three only... One had already find someone for him.... " Mrs jeon said giggling like a baby.

"Oh yes I forgot our jimine is in love.... " Mr jeon said and both laughed at that and talk more about their old days and memories remembering their time back then.

Evening came by quickly everyone came to home early cause of the dinner plan. Boys were sitting in living room along with Mr jeon talking about some business things. And girls along with Mrs jeon were in kitchen cooking food and talking about random things.

"What really eomma hubby did that ? " Y/n said laughing hard along with soha, madi and yuri who were also laughing.

"Yes baby you know he was so stubborn..... His father denied him to go to picnic and he just hide his files and that too the important one and didn't give it back until his dad gave him permission to go " Mrs jeon completed and all laughed.

"Omg I don't even imagine the great jeon jungkook hiding file to go for picnic " Madi said and laughed others also laugh with her.

"And you know sweety one time jungkook beat jimin " Yuri said laughing in middle.

"What why? " Madi asked suddenly and all looked at her and she looked down cause of sudden attention but all shrugged off.

"Actually what happen was suga hyung stole jungkook banana milk and blame it on jiminie " Yuri said again laughing and all others also laugh.

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