chapter 9

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Jk pov:

I reach my home from office as mom told me to come all hyung also come with me to home when we reach hobi hyung pressed the doorbell we then waited for the door to open and after a minute it opened and what I see is the same girl from yesterday but what is she doing in my house? I wanted to ask about her being in my house but before I can speak something jimin hyung already asked.

"Hey beautiful who are you " Jimin hyung asked but she was looking at as without blinking with her big brown doe eyes and mouth open we all looked at each other seeing her and jimin hyung again asked.

"Excuse me are you okay " Jimin hyung asked and she come out from her thoughts and looked down not moving her gaze from the ground he speak.

"Huh? Y-yes i-i am o-okay " She said stuttering a bit and looking down all the time but her voice is so sweet and again jimin ask her.

"Then what's your name pretty ? "Jimin asked her but why he is calling her beautiful and pretty I mean she is pretty and so beautiful just like a baby but still why he is calling her like this. My eyes were still on her but she is not looking up .

"M-my n-name is l-lee y-y/n sir " She said looking down and i remember her again I want to ask her why she is here but again someone interrupted and he is tae.

"What are you doing here y/n"? He asked but before she could answer mom came and told us that she invited her for yesterday's help.

After that mom told me and tae to get fresh up until lunch get ready then me and tae went our rooms.
I take a quick shower wear comfy clothes and came down at dining table. I saw she is placing dishes on table as she is still not looking at us maybe she is nervous then mom also came and we all sat on table but dad is not there so I asked mom.

"Mom where is dad? " I asked and she look at me and then around us.

"Oh is he not here yet maybe he is in his room jin baby can you please go and call him " Mom said to jin hyung as hyung nodded and went to bring him soon they both came.

"Hello my boys how are you all it's been so much time talking to you all " Dad said as we all hug him and he also hug us back.

"We are fine dad what about you " Rm hyung said.

"I am all fine as you see and still fit and fine and young " As we all laugh and nodded

"Yes dad you are young " Hobi hyung and suga hyung said.

"Yaa yaa you are young it's time for us to seeing our son getting married and seeing our grandchildren's and you are saying young " Mom said in a teasing tone while glaring at me.

"Btw you are right honey but still I am young " We all again laugh on their silliness.

"Stop it mom dad why you both always bring it up I don't wanna marry " I said being annoyed as they always start their drama for marriage and I don't wanna marry because of my profession as I don't want anyone's life in danger because of me.

"Ok we will talk about this later " Mom said as we now all settled down on our seats I again take a glance at her she is looking down at floor she is sitting beside my mom and beside him tae and suga hyung.

Then mom and y/n started to serve us and we all settled down and start eating but she didn't start eating As I take my first bite I was stunned by the taste of food it was not cooked by mom and it's so tasty I was thinking as I saw at others their expression were same like me. We all are looking at each other.

"Woww this is so tasty who made it " Dad asked looking at mom.

"Y/n made today's food and she made it really good even then me " Mom said looking at y/n and patting her head.

"Oh god dear did you make it it's so tasty baby " My dad said giving her a smile and she return it gladly.

"T-thank you aunt and uncle " She said looking at mom and dad while smiling and her smile is so pretty.

"Yeah it's good y/niiii " Jin hyung said as other nodd their head.

"T-thank you s- sir " She said shyly still looking down.

"Ohhh dont call me sir call me..... Jin oppa yeah it's good " Jin hyung said looking at her and smiling at her. And she speedily look at Jin hyung and give him smile while nodding her head.

"Okay now all eat your food now " Mom said and we all start eating food and now she is also eating. I don't know why but I can't take my eyes from her she is so adorable like a small baby. Soon we all finished our food and we all are now in living room with dad as we are talking about business matters and y/n is in kitchen with mom helping her soon they come back from kitchen.

"O-okay aunty uncle I will go now thank you for inviting me " She said looking towards mom and dad.

"Why dear so early stay for some more time " Dad said going towards her .

"Yaa dear wait for some more time " Mom said to her who is looking at her.

"No aunty I have to go now it's already late and I have college tomorrow " She said looking at mom.

"Okay baby but come back again when you will be free okay " Dad said while hugging her.

Soon mom also hug her and she was saying mom and dad to take care of them.

And after biding bye to mom dad and all hyung also she left and went to her house.

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