chapter 20

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After having dinner now they are in the living room sitting and talking to each other enjoying their time with their loved ones.

"Okk okk i want to talk about something important " Mrs jeon said and everyone looked at her giving her their attention and tell her to continue.

"So as everyone know today we gathered here to fix wedding date for y/n kook wedding and me and your appa want it to happen soon  so what do you all think " Mrs jeon said as everyone are excited for their marriage and they all like her she is kind, pretty , cute and innocent girl.

"What about we will held their wedding this weekend till then we will get enough time for preparation also as today is sunday only " Jin said to everyone and they all find it perfect.

"Okay so it's decided next Sunday is their wedding and you two are ok with it right if not then you can tell us " Mr jeon said and jungkook and y/n nodded their head in approval.

"So it's final now ohhh I'm am so happy for both you so let's celebrate tae baby put some music let's dance " Mrs jeon said getting excited like a small child. After taehyung put the music Mr jeon was first one to get up and ask y/n for a dance and she accepted they move slowly on the music y/n feeling fatherly love with Mr jeon and she is so happy that her life is getting better by having Mr and Mrs jeon who are like parents for her so caring , kind and loving and jungkook with whom she feels so safe, secure and loved also yuri and soha who are like elder sister for her and also all the boys who are so nice and kind towards her she feels so happy today.

After some minutes soha and yuri also join the dance floor with their husband's jhope and taehyung and they dance with each other looking into each other eyes and feeling themselves in the arms of their loved ones. After the song finished next song got played and y/n bring Mrs jeon on the floor and give her hands in Mr jeon and they both also began dancing with the soft rhythm of the song.

Jungkook :

I am so happy today after a long time we all are together enjoying ourselves. Everyone is so happy dancing and laughing. Y/n is really a nice girl just like uncle and aunt I still remember them they were so sweet and kind just like her but I feel so angry thinking about her aunt I will kill her if she again try to harm her . Eomma aapa are now so happy that they find her and can take care of her .

After sometime y/n stop dancing with appa and bring eomma and made them dance together. She came back to where I was sitting she sat besides suga hyung who is just eating snacks and watching them after some minutes jimin hyung came to y/n and asked her for a dance and she accepted. They went to the floor and start dancing with y/n hands on his shoulders and jimin hyung hands on her WAIST and they began slowly moving with the rhythm and i felt a huge urge to  just go and take her away from jimin hyung he is such a fliirty they are moving slowly slowly on the music and y/n she is smiling after some minutes jimin close the gap between him and y/n and say something in her ear and she BLUSH on his words what are they talking . now enough I can't tolerate this.
So I stood up from my seat and make my way towards them.


I  sat on the sofa after  have a dance with uncle but after some minutes jimin oppa came asked me to dance with him and I accepted we both go to dance floor and start dancing after some time jimin oppa came near my ear and said to look at jungkook.

"Y/n see jungkook is getting jealous see his face he is looking like a possesive husband " Jimin oppa said with a teasing smile and I blush at his statement. And he was again going to say something when someone pulled me away from him I looked up to see jungkook glaring at jimin.

When he pulled me towards him from jimin oppa everybody stop dancing and start seeing what is going on when I look at them they give me a teasing smile.

"What happen kook " Aunt asked to jungkook giving him a teasing smile.

"Ohh nothing mom kook was just getting jealous and want to dance with y/n " Jimin said with a smirk on his face.

"W-what I was not jealous "jungkook said with his famous expressionless face and everyone laughed at him.

"Ok ok you were not jealous we believe you " Uncle said to him with a smirk on his face.

"W-why are you all looking at me " Jungkook said to them who were controlling their laugh.

"Ok boys let my poor baby dance with his future wife " Aunt said with  a teasing tone as jungkook scoff at that and i blushed hearing wife word and everyone laugh at our reaction.

After that suga oppa turned on the music and everyone start dancing and jungkook also looks at me and put his hands on my waist and i feel sudden warmness spread trough my body his touches are so soft I don't know why but i like being close to him I also put my arms around his neck and start moving on the song while looking into each other's eyes. His eyes are so deep a I just want to look at those beautiful deep black doe eyes. I don't want the song to get over I want him to hold me like this forever. But unfortunately the song ends and we stoped dancing and went to sit on the sofa with others.

"Hn hn how was the dance kook " Jin oppa asked jungkook and he just cleared his throat before answering.

"It was good " He answered with his famous straight face .

"Ohhhhhhhh " Everyone start teasing him and he just stood up from his place.

"I am going to sleep now goodnight " He said and went upstairs to his room.

"Ok guys we should also sleep now it's pretty late now ok you guys already know your rooms right " Aunt said to everyone as she also went to her room with uncle after saying goodnight and after that we also went to our separate rooms.

Now I am in my room sitting on my bed thinking about my life how it changes. I am so lucky that I meet uncle aunt jungkook and all others because of them I am having such a good life now I don't know if that day they will not save me what will happen to me. I am so happy after so many years. Now I am also going to get married and also with jungkook he is really nice, kind and sweet he seems so cold and tough from outside but I think he just don't know how to show his emotions to other. He is really a good guy I wonder how will be our relationship in the future? Will he be able to accept me as his wife? I don't know what will happen ? With these thoughts in my mind I went to Dreamland.

Meanwhile :

Somewhere in the other city :-

"Hello boss one of the guard is here to meet you should I send him in " One of the man asked his boss who was sitting on the chair with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Hmm " The boss just hummed and the man went out to send the said guard inside to meet his boss. After some minutes the guard came inside and greeted his boss.

"So did you find her " Boss asked his guard who was standing there with his head hung low scared to answer his boss.

"No boss we are unable to find her in the whole city we have even visited her house but we found nothing " The guard said with his head still hung low.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HER ?HUH?  YOU ALL ARE JUST USELESS " the boss said with his loud scaring voice making the poor guard shake in fear.

"S-soor-y b-boss p-please give me some more t-time " The guard said to his boss stuttering badly scared of his boss.

"I WANT HER DID YOU GET IT FIND HER AT ANY COST. NOW GET OUT "the boss again yelled at the guard make him flinch hard who just run from there after saying  okay to his boss.

The man stood from his seat and went to take another glass of wine and take a sip before saying.

"Just wait babygirl I will find you soon and then you will be mine only mine " The man said while taking a sip of his wine and start laughing like a manic.

Hey guys here is the new chapter I hope you like it please comment if you like it.


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