chapter 38

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Jimin and others finally reached hospital with a injured girl in his arms who was struggling to keep her eyes open but somehow she was doing it as jimin was constantly telling her not to close her eyes and he kept whispering sweet things in her ear.

They get inside the hospital and they saw the doctors team was already ready as jk informed them about it when they were in the car as the hospital is owned by them. Jimin placed the girl on the stretcher and doctor proceed to take her in the operation room and door closed. They all sat on the near by benches placed there outside the operation room. All were quite everyone have so many things going on in their mind.

One hour passed but still the door doesn't open and red light above the operation room still glowing it was almost mid night but sleep was not their way today. Everything was so messed up and thousands of questions in their mind which still need answer. They all stayed silent deep in their thoughts.

After one more hour and at it was already mid night when the door opened and doctor came out all get up fast and quickly went to doctor to asked about the girl and the first one to ask was jimin who was so worried and scared and reason he himself didn't know and he shrugged it off for now.

"How is she doctor? Is she out of danger? Is she ok now? It's not serious right? " Jimin asked all the questions in one go and doctor just smiled at him and nodded.

"Yes sir everything is good. She is out of danger now but still unconscious she will be wake up in some hours " Doctor said and all sighed in relief.

"Thank you doctor. When we can her doctor " This time jin asked.

"We will shift her in general ward soon after that you all can meet her when she will get her consciousness and please dont disturb the patient for long she needs rest " Doctor told them to which all nodded in understanding.

"Ok doctor anything else " Namjoon asked in his gentle calm voice.

"No sir but i want to meet her family members to discuss some things about her health and prescription of her medicines..... So i will call you after some hours as for now I have a emergency case to handle if you don't mind " Doctor said in apologetic way.

"No no doctor it's alright you can attend other patient and inform us when you will get free.... And again thank you so much " Jungkook said this time to which doctor smiled softly.

"It's my duty sir... Then I will get going now " Doctor and left from their and they all again sat on benches but jimin stand near the door looking inside with pained and sad eyes. It was when suddenly hobi's phone ringed and everyone looked at him.

On the other hand after y/n came back from her college she was just so anxious the whole day in college she just prayed to God to keep everyone safe. She was feeling really restless so she called soha and yuri to her house so that she can feel a little better and they both also came in just five minutes.

After that they both encouraged y/n that everything will be alright as it's not their first time going to missions but they themselves were worried as it's not easy to not feel worry when your husband and your brothers go to mission where anything can happen to them but they composed themselves and also confront y/n and she finally calmed down a little.

They all passed the time talking to each other about different things to divert their mind and like this it was now night time they again start feeling worried and anxious as it was close to be mid night and boys were not return yet and y/n was getting so impatient.

"Unnie they are not back yet.... Are they all ok?..... What if something happen? Hubby said they will be back till midnight " Y/n asked them both the same thing for the nth time now and yuri and soha glanced at each other before replying.

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